
Headline May 11, 2019/ '' 'STUDENTS -1,000 YEARS- SERENADE' '


ONE THOUSAND YEARS - YES, ONE 1000 years from now, all students so co-named from the past  : 

Merium, Rabo, Haleema, Dee, Zilli, Saima, Sarah, Sameen, Aqsa, Hussain, Shahzaib, Jordan, Bilal, Faraz ,Haider, Ali, Umair, Awais, Salar, Zaeem, Danyial, Hazeem, Maria, Hanyia, Maynah, and  Merium, will carry in their locker rooms...........

Will carry in their locker rooms, and maybe on them, extra Hearts, Livers, Kidneys, Brains, and many other organs. They will, when they so feel, switch off  their natural organs to rest, and let technology take over.

1,000 years from now, and maybe, just maybe, some one, some student will figure how to Loop Time, and.......

And we all could then meet up: ''In thunder, lightning, or in rain'' and exchange experiences and maybe, notes.

Maybe, just maybe, some student will invent how to change ''dust and ashes'', into nanobots, so we all could reassemble, and take a look at a very different world.

Just maybe, some student or students will succeed in inventing weather and phenomenon. We could then all meet on any planet, you all vote to honour.

Death, would then get defined as a very temporary relief, rest and recreation from the worldly concerns.

Be that, or what it may, 1000 years from now,........................................ The World Students Society will be the greatest organization, mankind ever get to conceptualize and put into execution in the best service of mankind..

Humans and Students have changed dramatically in our 200,000 years of existence, they will change  beyond comprehension, in the next 1,000 years.

which recently re-appeared in Australian media, was made by a programme dubbed World One.

It was originally created by the computer pioneer Jay Forrester, who was commissioned by the Club of Rome to model how well the world could sustain its growth.

[The Club of Rome is an organization comprised of thinkers, former world heads of states, scientists, and UN bureaucrats with the mission to ''promote understanding of the global challenges facing humanity and propose solutions through scientific analysis, communication, and advocacy].

But for now : Humanity in next 1,000 years.

We'll Have Super-Fast Computers:
Our appearance won't be the only thing that changes. Our technology will likely take a huge leap forward in 1,000 years if Moore's Law - the idea that a computer's raw processing power doubles every couple years - holds true.

We'll eventually see computers that can solve nearly unsolvable problems - problems so complicated that they would take today's computers decades to solve.

We don't know yet how we'll reach that technology, but remember, that quantum computers are one very great possibility.

We might also develop computers that will perform as quickly as and even ''think'' like a human brain does.

These computers would be able to  speak, listen, and remember and given their speed, it's possible we'll be able to to program them to be artificially intelligent, possibly  even smarter than humans.

We Have Buildings That
Can Assemble And Dissemble On Command:
Instead of building things brick by brick we could create networks of tiny-nearly invisible robots that can link together and form any shape.

It's a concept called ''Utility Fog'.

In an increasingly crowded world, your house could assemble when you come home, and then dissemble when you leave for work to make room for something else.

Right now Utility Fog is an idea that that remains firmly in the science fiction realm, but we are making a lot of progress on nanobots. In the near future, they could be used in medicine to precisely deliver drugs inside the body or even fight off cancer cells.

The oil industry is planning to use them to scope out untapped untapped oil and gas reserves underground.

Futurist Ray Kurzwel thinks we might be able to use brain nanobots, to backup our thoughts and memories.

For now, one recent photograph of ''Human Centered : Robotics'' shows Luis Sentis, an assistant professor of engineering at UT Austin, shakes hands with ''Dreamer''.

The latest prototype, called Dreamer, was designed from head to toe by researcher and students at the University of Texas at Austin.

The project was designed to create a new generation of humanoid robots that can perform tasks with increased efficiency, as well as safety and simply interact with humans.

With respectful dedication to the Grandparents, Parents, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world.

See Ya all prepare for Great Global Elections and ''register'' on : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter - !E-WOW! - the Ecosystem 2011:

''' Greatest Models '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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