
Headline April 17, 2018/ '' 'MOURNING POVERTY MUTTERING' ''


YOU : THE HEROIC FOUNDERS OF THE WORLD STUDENTS SOCIETY have to reason and deeply understand................

That what sparkles in your hand is pure GOLD and not tinsel.

THE DEVELOPING WORLD : for over 83 percent of the world,........... Life is just one huge and unending mourning. And it is likely to remain so for their many, many generations to come.

Having witnessed and understood the entire developing world's different periods of economic adjustment in the past 50 years or so, I can say that these horrible episodes always unleash angry energies in a way nothing else can.

All over the world, every single country is engulfed in turbocharged emotion : Venezuela, South Sudan, Algeria, Libya, India, Pakistan, Lesotho, Afghanistan, Egypt, China, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Bhutan, Nepal, Brazil, Argentina, ...................

Consumption, investment, employment. purchasing power, are all collapsing around you, the world over. In Proud Pakistan, the year 2008 saw one of the biggest financial crises in its history.

This was the first time that the  stock market had to be frozen altogether since the magnitude of the plunge it was seeing day after day was so large that it could have wiped out the diminishing foreign exchange reserves of the country.

And for LIFE, it is a delight for Pakistani students to remember that The New Medical University is being made on a plot donated for a health facility by a non-Muslim landlord, Deepchand Ojha,    before independence.

I just can't remember an occasion where the authorities honoured his memory, of this great benefactor. And by not doing that we only confirm ourselves as small, ungrateful humans.

And with that, I turn to Life's other griefs and mourning in a Traumatized World.

I am happy that the obsession with capturing every moment through phones acts as a saviour.

THEIRS WERE LIVES just like anybody else's in their youth - trying to build a career while strengthening strong bonds with friends and family each day. What is the best way to respect that after their passing on to a different realm?

How would they have liked us to mourn them? It helps us to think of the times they were present to uplift our spirit in any difficult circumstances.

Logically they would want to be able to do the same in times of hurt caused by their departure.

Recollecting pleasant memories of times with lost loved ones what Wordsworth called ''emotion recollected in tranquility'', that he credits for poetry, which for him is ''spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings'' - can help us grow with strength.

Technological advancement of our times make the process of recollecting memories a lot more potent.

We now have countless photographs that capture special and everyday moments; videos that record  their laughter and voice; and countless messages and social media posts that automatically create  stream-of-consciousness tales of life of those we wish to remember. 

For once, the millennial obsession with capturing every moment through phones acts like a saviour bringing to life those we long for.

With the rollercoaster that grieving is, there are times when the exhilaration of reliving memories of times by gone make death - and not life - seem trivial.

But it is normal to break down at other points. After all, putting up a facade of strength can do more damage than accepting weakness and then letting oneself head.

So whereas the end of life is beyond our control, we can try to cherish the memories of the past, the larger community the passing of loved ones bring together, be the strength for each other that -

That our friends would want us to be, and hold on tightly to all those we love - and never hold back from expressing it, leaving little room for regret.

With respectful dedication to the Leaders, Grandparents, Parents, Students, professors and Teachers of the world.

See Ya all prepare for Great Global Elections and ''register'' on : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter -!E-WOW! - the Ecosystem 2011:

''' Founders Of Fame '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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