GLOBAL ELECTIONS.....................
On the World Students Society - a glory that is, a glory that will be! Remember : Never ever forget : Without holding elections, the world has seen this story before.........
You have to raise the bar! Make no mistake :
Merium, Rabo, Haleema, Dee, Zainab, Sarah, Aqsa, Amina, Saima, Seher/UK, Dantini/Malaysia, Jameela/Germany, Lakshmi/India, Emaan, Armeen, Sherbano, Zilli, Nina, Juniper/Japan and all the girl / female students of the world.........And then-
Hussain, Shahzaib, Jordan, Bilal, Salar, Zaeem, Faraz, Ali, Umer, Awais, Haider, Hazeem, Danyial/UK, Rahym/UK, Wajahat, Vishnu/India, Toby/China
And 'Little Angels' : Maynah, Maria, Harem, Ibrahim, Haanyia, and Merium.
So, the great silver-lined cloud that's spreading over the entire world, should remind you to roll up your sleeves and get working.
They say, Pinterest frustrates some, and at times even many, with its reticence........ And with that the case study on Pinterest continues.
The business case was simple and powerful.
It was a shopping mall disguised as a mood board that held its users aspirations, unearthing pure and unfiltered commercial desire.
''You can draw a direct line from those interests to a commercial opportunity or retail category,'' said Andrew Lipsman, an analyst at eMarketer.
But just as the company began selling ads in 2014, user growth stalled and it wasn't clear why, according to multiple people familiar with the company.
The company disagreed that growth had stalled, arguing that it had ''slightly slowed''.
Executives on Pinterest's ''growth'' team proposed spending $50 million a year to acquire users through marketing, a common tactic for web companies.
Other executives argued that the company should court celebrities and pay influencers to share content on Pinterest, similar to YouTube's premium content program.
Mr. Silbermann opposed both, according to people familiar with the decision. He preferred what he called ''quality growth''.
''There's a natural rate at which you can scale a company that's healthy,'' Mr. Silbermann said. So Pinterest stuck to its knitting.
Not everyone was sold on the message. Even by the standards of startups, where employee turnover is common, the number of executives leaving Pinterest has been has been notable in recent years.
Since 2015, the company lost people who ran media partnerships, operations, finance, growth, engineering, brand, product, tech partnerships, marketing, corporate development, communications, and customer strategy, along with its general counsel and president.
Jamie Favazza, a Pinterest spokeswoman, said, ''Turnover is natural at high-growth startups, but we've built a strong team of leaders for the long term.''
Some former executives argue that the company should have hired sales people faster.
Several ex-employees say morale would have been better if Pinterest had taken big swings on hype-worthy cutting-edge tech, like Snap's camera-embedded sunglasses, introduced in 2016.
But those glasses, called Spectacles, became a costly punchline. And unlike most of its money-losing startup peers, Pinterest with $1.5 billion in venture backing-
Has flirted with breaking even in recent quarters, according to the company.
The Honor and Serving of the latest Operational Research on Social Media giants and Pinterest continues.
With respectful dedication to The World Students Society, - for every subject in the world, and
Students, Professors and Teachers of the world. See Ya all ''register'' on wssciw.blogspot.com, as we begin preparations for global elections and Twitter-!E-WOW! - the Ecosystem 2011:
''' Crossing Partisan Lines'''
Good Night and God Bless
SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless
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