
The End of the Age of Aquarius

By Wajiha Malik
Correspondent, SAM Daily Times

Aquanaut  Sylvia Earle is a marine biologist and deep-sea explorer who heads Mission Blue, a worldwide alliance for ocean protection. Last week, she co-led the last scheduled mission to the Aquarius Reef Base off Key Largo, Fla., the world's only undersea lab. She says the oceans need protecting more than ever—don't pull funding.

"It's 50 years since underwater habitats for people were first pioneered by Jacques Cousteau, so part of the purpose is to celebrate the past, while also conducting what may be the last experiments on the corals and sponges around Aquarius. It's also about looking to the future: How we can inspire people about why the oceans matter." Sylvia Earle said.

The first time that I lived underwater, in 1970, I didn't fully appreciate that every fish, every shrimp, every lobster is different. Fish have personalities: Some are more reserved, some are just so curious. You get to know them, get to know their faces.

"It's all about knowing. People can't care if they don't know. Even here in Key Largo, people are blissfully unaware that this world-class facility exists in their backyard. The space program has a voice, and people can more readily see what goes up in the sky. When a submarine sinks into the water or when divers go below the surface, they disappear".She said.


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