
1/3rd Of The Most Civilized Do Spouse Violence!

One of the most civilized nations, America has startling of women violently attacked by their husbands or boyfriends.
Other findings to add to surprise are that as many as 29 million women say they have suffered severe and frightening physical violence from a boyfriend, spouse or other intimate partner. That includes being choked, beaten, stabbed, shot, punched, slammed against something or hurt by hair-pulling. And that number grows to 36 million if slapping, pushing and shoving are counted.

Generous Couples Live Longer

A recent study at University of Miami reveals that "generous" couples live longer.This generosity is in terms of relationship work, caring, and even monetary generosity in terms of charity and donation.Along with being happier in their daily lives ,Generous Couples were also found to frequently have lower blood pressure and less medical risk overall.

Net Giants Oppose US Piracy Bill

Set for a debate in Congress, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) faces strong criticism from the founders of Google, Twitter and eBay.

The legislation aims to restrict the amount of pirated content present over the internet, something the net giants view as China-style censorship.

The bill, which has the backing of Hollywood as well as the music industry, was designed to prevent the "flow of revenue to rogue websites...that profit from selling pirated goods without any legal consequences", the BBC reports.

It would allow the actual owners to have more control over their content and what they want to do with it. However, for critics the proposals are too broad and might lead to the shutting down of many websites

'Matrix'-Style Effortless Learning?

Vision Scientists Demonstrate Innovative Learning Method

New research published December 8 in the journal Science suggests it may be possible to use brain technology to learn to play a piano, reduce mental stress or hit a curve ball with little or no conscious effort. It's the kind of thing seen in Hollywood's "Matrix" franchise. (Science Daily)

Experiments conducted at Boston University (BU) and ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories in Kyoto, Japan, reveal some very interesting results. They claim that their recent findings can produce innovative learning methods - A person may be able to watch a computer screen and have his or her brain patterns modified to improve physical or mental performance.By using fMRI, these researchers hope to modify brain in a manner that would help people  recover from an accident or disease, learn a new language or even fly a plane. The idea demonstrated was that Researchers would use fMRI to impart certain activity patterns in a human brain. Those that match a previously known target state would improve performance on visual tasks.

Click for greater details

Scientists home in on the Missing link of Physics

(Reuters) - International scientists said on Tuesday they had found signs of the Higgs boson, an elementary sub-atomic particle believed to have played a vital role in the creation of the universe after the Big Bang.

Peter Higgs, the 82-year-old British theoretical physicist who first proposed the existence of the particle in 1964 as the missing link of a grand theory of matter and energy, was watching the announcement on a webcast with colleagues at Edinburgh University, where he is an emeritus professor.

"I won't be going home to open a bottle of whisky to drown my sorrows, but on the other hand I won't be going home to open a bottle of champagne either," his colleague Alan Walker quoted him as saying after the announcement.

The leaders of two experiments, Atlas and CMS, revealed their findings to a packed seminar at the CERN physics research centre near Geneva, where they have tried to find traces of the elusive boson by smashing particles together at near light-speed in the Large Hadron Collider.

The experiments generated such excitement by independently reaching very similar conclusions. But the scientists were quick to warn that their results have not yet reached the level of certainty that would let them claim a discovery -- hence Higgs's caution.

Under what is known as the Standard Model of Physics, the boson is posited to have been the agent that gave mass and energy to matter after the creation of the universe 13.7 billion years ago - leading some to nickname it the "God particle."

Its discovery would fill the last remaining hole in the model. However, that does not mean it must exist, and some eminent physicists such as Stephen Hawking believe it does not.

"If the Higgs observation is confirmed ... this really will be one of the discoveries of the century," said Themis Bowcock, professor of particle physics at Britain's Liverpool University.

"Physicists will have uncovered a keystone in the makeup of the universe ... whose influence we see and feel every day of our lives."


The Large Hadron Collider at CERN, a vast underground particle accelerator that costs 200,000 Swiss francs ($215,000) an hour to run, is designed to recreate the conditions of the Big Bang to allow particles such as the Higgs boson to be found and studied.

While the boson's discovery would cement current knowledge about particles such as electrons and photons, proof that it does not exist would undermine the foundations of accepted theories of the make-up of the universe.

The particle is so short-lived that it can only be detected from the particles that it decays into. In the course of millions of collisions, the scientists are hunting for a significant excess of a particular combination of decay particles.

Although they are now converging on a particular profile for the Higgs, they will need another year's worth of such collisions to rule out a statistical fluke.

"The window for the Higgs mass gets smaller and smaller," said CERN Director General Rolf Heuer. "But please be prudent. Remember, we have not found it yet, nor have we excluded it yet. There is still Higgs hunting to be done."

Oliver Buchmueller, senior physicist on the CMS experiment, said: "It can still happen that it is a fluctuation, but all we see from both experiments is compatible with what we would expect for a Higgs signal to build up...

"But we really need the data from next year to be sure of what we're seeing."

Claire Shepherd-Themistocleus, head of the CMS Group at the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, said: "We are homing in on the Higgs ...

"We have had hints today of what its mass might be and the excitement of scientists is palpable. Whether this is ultimately confirmed or we finally rule out a low-mass Higgs boson, we are on the verge of a major change in our understanding of the fundamental nature of matter."

($1 = 0.9343 Swiss francs)

7 Things Highly Productive People Do

Get distracted too much? Tempted to check facebook, email or reply to text messages while studying or at work. This is Multi-Tasking!! - a phenomenon that seriously disrupts your quality as well as quantity of work. Here are some useful tips given by Tony Wong, (a project management blackbelt whose client list includes Toyota, Honda, and Disney);

Work backwards from goals to milestones to tasks:Break down the work into smaller and smaller chunks until you have specific tasks that can be accomplished in a few hours or less: Sketch a wireframe, outline an introduction for the homepage video, etc. That’s how you set goals and actually succeed in crossing them off your list.
Stop Multitasking: Doing more than one thing at the same time reduces your IQ!! At an average, it drops by a level of 10! 15 for men while 5 for women..
Be "militant" at eliminating distractions:Lock your door, put a sign up, turn off your phone, texts, email, and instant messaging. In fact, if you know you may sneak a peek at your email, set it to offline mode, or even turn off your Internet connection. Go to a quiet area and focus on completing one task.
Schedule your email: To save productivity , set particular timings (two or three, according to your work type) in which you may check our email or socal network profiles :)
Use the phone. Email isn’t meant for conversations. Don’t reply more than twice to an email. Pick up the phone instead.
Work on your own agenda:After you wake up, drink water so you rehydrate, eat a good breakfast to replenish your glucose, then set prioritized goals for the rest of your day.
Work in 60 to 90 minute intervals:Plan your breaks efficiently. Human brain uses up its glucose in 60-90 minutes and that's when you start losing concentration, efficiency and feeling tired. Take a break, go out for a walk, have a snack or any healthy activity that recharges you.

One must always keep slack times in his schedule for these breaks and any unprecedented issues.  

77 Shadow Street by Dean Koontz

The author has written a thriller to help fans ring in the new year. The novel is about a building with a history of doom that seems to have overcome its past, until strange and supernatural events start threatening the current occupants.

Bad things are starting to happen at the Pendleton, an eerie building with a tragic past. The Pendleton stands on the summit of Shadow Hill, a palace built in the late 19th century as a tycoon’s dream home. But its grandeur has been scarred by episodes of madness, suicide and mass murder. Since being converted into luxury apartments in the 70s, however, the Pendleton has been at peace. For its fortunate residents – among them ex-marine Bailey Hawk, songwriter Twyla Trahern and her young son Winny , the Pendleton is a sanctuary, its dark past all but forgotten.

Abnormal voices mutter in strange tongues, "I am the One, the all and the only. I live in the Pendleton as surely as I live everywhere. I am the Pendleton's history and its destiny. The building is my place of conception, my monument, my killing ground...."

Dean Koontz transcends all expectations as he takes readers on a gripping journey to a place where nightmare visions become real and where a group of singular individuals hold the key to humanity’s destiny.

Who Owns The Internet?

No one actually owns the Internet, and no single person or organization controls the Internet in its entirety. More of a concept than an actual tangible entity,the "Internet" is a physical infrastructure that provides services such as the WWW(world wide web) and connects several networks together.Many organizations,governments, schools, private citizens and service providers own parts of this infrastructure, but no one is a full owner. Standardizing organizations, such as National Science Foundation, the Internet Engineering Task Force, ICANN, InterNIC and the Internet Architecture Board , do exist however. They set protocols such as TCP or Internet Protocol Suite. The  "Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)" is responsible for assigning IP addresses.

Sao Paulo Fashion Week, 2012

Since its launch in 1996, Sao Paulo Fashion Week has developed into Latin America's most important fashion event, welcoming key Brazilian designers including Ricardo Almeida and Ronaldo Fraga, as well as the country's top supermodels such as Gisele Bunchen, who last year made a rare return to the catwalk to model for the label Colcci. Fall 2012 collections will be showcased between January 19 and 24, while June will see the unveiling of Spring 2013 lines, as well as famous Brazilian beachwear labels such as Amir Slama's Rosa Cha being showcased.

Besides structuring the whole textile industry of the country, the event has been marked by campaigns for hunger, for the prevention of cancer and Aids, recycling of waste, education and more recently celebrated the centenary of Japanese diaspora to Brazil (Spring Collection/2008).

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

Before the first Sherlock Holmes was even released there was already talk of a sequel. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows is a British-American action mystery film which is a sequel to the 2009 film Sherlock Holmes, based on the character of the same name created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law reprise their roles as the smartest detective "Sherlock Holmes" and his loyal sidekick "Dr. Watson." This time they travel across Europe to bring down their fiercest adversary, the criminal mastermind Professor Moriarty, played by Jared Harris.

The film is directed by Guy Ritchie, distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures and is scheduled to be released on December 16, 2011.

Oprah Winfrey visits Haiti

Oprah Winfrey, born Orpah Gail Winfrey 57 year old multi-award-winning talk show host, actress, producer and philanthropist visited Port-Au-Prince, Haiti on Monday, December 12 and toured an encampment for Haitians displaced by the 2010's massive earthquake.

The richest African American of the 20th century, who was once the world's only black billionaire visited the earthquake affected families and walked among the tents with the 51 year old actor Sean Penn who has been at the forefront of relief efforts and helped create an aid group that provides support to people who live in the encampment.

"Everybody who has spent time in Haiti knows how important it is for the world to see what is going on here. We really appreciate that she`s here with us," said Penn.

Winfrey said Penn’s efforts will be featured in an upcoming program on her Oprah Winfrey Network. "This is part of the next chapter, going around the world to see interesting and fascinating cases of profound examples of what can be done to make a difference in the world." said Oprah.

Guardiola: Barcelona have no plans to sell Villa

Barcelona coach Pep Guardiola has rubbished reports that the club is ready to sell David Villa during the January transfer window after Spanish sports paper Marca claimed that Barcelona had made the World Cup winner available for a New Year move.
Speaking in Japan ahead of Barca's Club World Cup campaign, he said:
"I have not spoken to David after the last match in Madrid, but all of the players are in my plans.
"I am the one who comes up with 25 different line-ups during the season because I feel that is the best thing to do.
"Most of the players that are here now will continue for the rest of this season and the next.
"I wish I could play with 15 players on a team because then everyone could play."
The 30-year-old has scored 32 goals in 75 appearances following his arrival at Camp Nou in the summer of 2010.

Carlos Tevez likely to go to Juventus.

Manchester City's striker Carlos Tevez is expected to get transferred to the Italian club Juventus. Juventus has now opened formal and direct talks with the City manager Roberto Mancini to sign the striker. The Serie A club have proposed a £21m package but City are hopeful they can get more than that. AC Milan and Paris St-Germain have also shown interest in the Argentinian. Milan have proposed a loan deal to the end of the season, leading to a possible £17.2m move next summer. Milan's vice-president, Adriano Galliani, said on Wednesday night that "offer is final" but City are adamant they will not entertain the idea of a loan.

Lunatics by Dave Barry and Alan Zweibel

Authors Dave Barry and Alan Zweibel are both well known humorists, join forces to help us start 2012 with some comic relief. Lunatics is the story of two men whose paths cross and through a series of escalating events end up running for their lives. It may sound a bit serious, but remember the authors, and consider that one of the people pursuing them is dressed like Chuck E. Cheese. Lunatics will be hitting the stores in January, 2012

Is A Mole Benign Or Cancerous? New Staining Test Can Provide New Measure

Researchers at Weill Medical College have devised a latest test to help diagnose malignancy in a mole.The test makes use of sAC (soluble adenylyl cyclase-an evolutionary conserved signaling enzyme) expression pattern. A skin biopsy revealing sAC in cells' nucleus is an identification of malignancy while absence of sAC in nucleus simply means the mole is benign.

Senior author Dr. Jonathan Zippin, explains:

"The sAC stain is either positive or negative in the cell's nucleus. Other stains require an interpretation of staining intensity, which means that a diagnosis of melanoma can rest on a pathologist's opinion.

As a clinical dermatologist, this uncertainty is difficult to deal with. No one wants to miss a true diagnosis of melanoma, but telling someone they have melanoma, when they may not, changes his or her life."

The study is published in the Nov. 21 issue of the Archives of Dermatology. Details here

7 Billion: Count every single one of you!
Count every single of you on this page which is 1 mile (1.6 Km) high and 800 feet (250 m) wide.
Count Here

Scotland Retains High Aims Despite Decreases

Despite the signs not looking good and visitor figures being down, Scotland aims to increase its revenue from tourism by 50% by 2015.

The first half of 2011 has made for miserable reading for the Scottish tourism board. Indeed, the whole industry is 17% down on the previous year despite a 5% general rise in the UK as a whole.

These depressing figures and comparisons have led to an ultimatum by the head of national tourism. Scotland has 3 years to change the face of its tourism sector before it ends up lagging behind even further. On a positive note, £30 million is set to be invested into tourism in Scotland and statements have been made that a 50% increase is expected by 2015.

81st Pitti Immagine Uomo Fashion Exhibiton, 2012

The 81st edition of the Pitti Immagine Uomo fashion exhibition is the leading men's ready-to-wear show in Italy, starts Tuesday January 10th at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence. The exhibit will last until Friday 13th. It was created in 1972, Pitti Uomo is held in Florence twice a year. This year's special guest will be Valentino, showing its menswear collection ahead of the men's international fashion weeks.

The women's counterpart to Pitti Uomo, the 9th Pitti Immagine W fair will also takes place in Florence on the same dates and is dedicated to experimental projects in women's fashions, single product and capsule collections. This year's special guest will be French handbag designer Olympia Le-Tan, who will unveil a bag collection inspired by Italian literary masterpieces




This post is dedicated to all our elders who as it now seems lived in far better times. SAM Daily Times wishes them a long healthy and a prosperous life. Now read on...

Researchers in France claim that they have found a way to control ageing process with the help of stem cells.

Meanwhile in the United Kingdom, people with Alzheimer's disease, a largely age-related illness, are seeing the benefits of "retro decoration". Old-fashioned decor and electrical goods from decades past are helping elderly patients live their lives more easily.

Finally, it's often said that youth is wasted on the young. We discuss one way to help younger people appreciate what they have - while they still have it.

Newton's Theory On Doomsday!

One of the most revered mind in history, Sir Isaac Newton had his own doomsday prediction.
According to his predictions, world was going to end in 2060.
His calculations were based on Biblical interpretation. But unfortunately he has not left any calculations on this to prove his concept to the world. So only way we are left with is to wait for the year itself.

A Nation of Online Shoppers

Britain has been identified as a nation more involved in web-based shopping than any other country.
The number of people using their mobiles to surf the web was also higher in the UK than in any other country surveyed. Nearly half (46 per cent) of UK internet users were using their phones to go online in October 2011. Social networking sites, accessed via mobile or PC, were used by three-quarters of consumers, rising to 83 per cent of 18-24 year-olds.

More than a third of Britons also used their mobile to play games, and a quarter used them to look at news websites. Only using the internet to make telephone calls was more popular abroad, where services such as Skype are used by 28 per cent in Italy, compared to just 19 per cent in the UK.

The Protester - Time's Person Of The Year

Every year Time magazine names one person or group of persons as Person of the year. Time has bestowed the distiction on one person, group of people of such choices like "The Computer", "You" and "The Earth" since 1927. This year "The Protester" has been named as Time's Person of the Year. Protesters refers to all protesters this year including Arabs, anarchists in Greece and Occupy Wall Street.
Other finalists included Kate Middleton, Admiral William McRaven and Congressman Paul Ryan.
Last year's choice was Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Other famous choices include The Computer in 1982, Bill Clinton and Kenneth Starr in 1998 and Barack Obama in 2008.

Study: Humble Leaders - More Productive Environment!

We all are humans are prone to do mistakes. We all learn from our mistakes and from the mistakes of others.
Leaders are no gods. Humble leaders who accept their failures and mistake are liked more.
Study conducted by University at Buffalo shows that humble leaders admitting their mistakes and spot lighting their followers strengths are admired by people.
“Leaders of all ranks view admitting mistakes, spotlighting follower strengths, and modeling teachability as being at the core of humble leadership,” says Bradley Owens, assistant professor of organization and human resources.

Another interesting finding of the study is that females are expected to be strong leaders. Owens says; “Our results suggest that female leaders often experience a ‘double bind,’. They are expected to be strong leaders and humble females at the same time.”

iLaunch Thunder

The iLaunch Thunder is a Missile Launcher made for iPod touch, iPhone, or iPad.
Strike fear into the hearts of your fellow cube-dwellers with the iLaunch Thunder. Wirelessly controlled by your iPod touch, iPhone, or iPad, and its 25 foot range should get you over a couple of cubicles to reach your target. The iLaunch Thunder combines the best of Bluetooth technology and extreme innovation with a bit of insanity…With a 270°horizontal rotation, a vertical flexibility of more than 40° and a shooting distance of around 25 feet, the iLaunch Thunder will cover more than 1,400 square feet of your workspace. That definitely gives you more than enough coverage to declare some serious office warfare! Watch its video, Cool.

Most Of Americans Believe Global Poverty As Spiritual Problem!

As the world gets aware of global issues, most of them become conscious of solutions to these problems for the coming generations. Americans believe in quality of life. A survey published earlier showed that Americans are willing to pay more for greener environment around their living area.

The University of Maryland study shows that most of the Americans who believe in God favors cooperative international efforts to combat climate change and the spread of nuclear weapons. Study also shows that Americans believe that fighting global poverty is a spiritual obligation.

Study was conducted on 1,500 Americans which included large numbers of Catholics and Evangelicals.
John Steinbruner public policy professor at University of Maryland and study co-author says
“This research challenges common political stereotypes that pigeonhole religious Americans as liberal or conservative on environmental and nuclear proliferation issues. These findings demonstrate the public’s strong moral impulse to address global policy challenges—an impulse that if applied properly could break the current impasse on these issues.”
Though most believers in the study do not consider addressing environmental and nuclear risks to be spiritual obligations, they do understand these issues as a part of “good stewardship,” the study finds.

Research: Tropics May Speed Glacial Melt

University of Washington has conducted a research on glaciers melting speed in Antarctica. The research included two two of the five largest glaciers in Antarctica.
Research concludes that they are melting and that gains speed draining ice faster and contributing to sea level rise. This melting down could lead to global sea level rise of as much as six feet, though it would take few centuries.
Eric Steig, University of Washington professor of Earth and space sciences says “This part of Antarctica is affected by what’s happening on the rest of the planet, in particular the tropical Pacific.”
NASA scientists recently documented that a section of the Pine Island Glacier the size of New York City had begun breaking off into a huge iceberg.
Last few decades have been exceptionally warm in tropics, attributed mainly to human activities, unusual conditions in Antarctica are also now been attributed to those causes.

Indonesian Police shaves rockers' hair

Police in Indonesia's most conservative province raided a punk-rock concert and detained 65 fans, shaving off their spiky mohawks and stripping away body piercings because of the perceived threat to Islamic values.

Dog-collar necklaces and chains were also taken from the youths before they were thrown in pools of water for "spiritual" cleansing, Indonesian local police chief Iskandar Hasan said on Wednesday.

After replacing their "disgusting" clothes, he handed each a toothbrush and barked "use it".

The crackdown marked the latest effort by authorities to promote strict moral values in Aceh, the only province in this secular but predominantly Muslim nation of 240 million to have imposed Islamic laws.

Here, adultery is punishable by stoning to death. Homosexuals have been thrown in jail or lashed in public with rattan canes. Women are forced to wear headscarves and told, please, no tight pants.

It's not clear why police decided to hone in on punks.

Tweets From Somali Militants!

The Somali militant group al-Shabab has now launched a Twitter account!

The group, which controls most of southern and central Somalia, might have launched the account in an attempt to counter tweets by Maj Emmanuel Chirchi, the Kenyan military spokesman.

Beginning their tweet series with an Arabic phrase, the group are now down to their original agenda of 'military propaganda' (the BBC reports). The site has attracted dozens of followers and is not yet following anybody.

Unique Faces Of The World - Mursi People

Mursi or Murzu people, numbering about 47000, belong to the Omo valley in the southwest of Ethiopia and 
are a present-day example of Pastoral Societies. This refers to nomadic people who keep looking for cattle feed throughout the year. They may also grow vegetables depending on possibilities.

The Mursi woman, keeps a plate ("dhebi a tugoin") in her lower lip.They are being put by the mother or some local woman, when the girl reaches 15 or 16 years of age.
Every girl decides how far to stretch the lip. It is achieved by putting progressively larger plates during several months. The diameter of a plate can be up to 12 centimeters. Plates are removed when eating.

The Mursi men, especially those single ones, are symbolic of ceremonial dueling , locally termed as  "thagine" The thagine is kind of martial arts using wooden poles and traditional protective clothing. The events continue for significant period of time and are considered highly important in their society. Mursi people sometimes talk about the thagine as „war“ or kaman.

Google Removes 'RuFraud' Applications

After a widespread fraud scam, Google scraps 22 of its Android applications.

The so-called 'RuFraud' applications were found to contain fraudulent software posing as a third-party which prompted users to send premium text messages. 

The sender would be tricked into sending an SMS message costing about £3 while believing that they were actually downloading a game or an application.

San-Francisco-based security firm Lookout believes the attempt originated from Russia.

Norway: Amundsen's South Pole Centenary Marked

In a gathering of scientists and explorers, the Norwegian prime minister Jens Stoltenberg steps forward to mark the hundred years since Roald Amundsen's first expedition to the South Pole.

While blizzards and low visibility worked to hamper the progress of many explorers to reach the pole in time for Wednesday's ceremony, the Norwegian prime minister paid homage to Amundsen by unveiling an ice-bust of the explorer at the Amundsen Scott base station.

Robert Scott and his team (Amundsen's rivals who were beaten by the latter to the pole and were later caught in a blizzard which resulted in their deaths) were also remembered. 

"Scott and his team paid the ultimate price. But their names will forever be inscribed in polar history. They will always be remembered for their courage and determination in reaching one of the most inhospitable places on earth." 


Sony's new stylish P tablet is selling for £499. With this launch, Sony is more likely to attract game-lovers than music freaks. Because it has dual-screen functionality. Each of the two screens measures 5.5inches.
By turning on the P, you can separate the two screens for different uses. For example users can separate the keyboard to their emails or place a game’s controls on the lower screen leaving the top one visible for the action. The two-screens option makes the Sony tablet portable but lacks in functionalities.
This new phone is not so unique with other devices in the market from other companies.  

World Human Rights Day

World Human Rights Day is observed on Dec 10, 2011, throughout the world.

The day is observed by the international community every year on the same date. It commemorates the day in 1948 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
This year, on Human Rights Day, Intolerance and Lack of Education was especially talked and focused over in Pakistan.International Commission for Human Rights, an NGO, held a press conference at the Lahore Press Club on 10th Dec, in which the chairman demanded inclusion of Human Rights Course in curriculum so as to create awareness on the issue.

Using Solar Power to purify Water

If one is camping or drinking water from a rural well i.e water that had not passed through all the purification and treatment steps, then the bacteria and viruses present can cause very serious damage to the body. National Geographic, in an article, describes a natural way of purifying water. Although it does not completely remove highly toxic pollutants but still it is declared more efficient than the simple boiling process. The steps go as follows:
Step 1:Wash and dry a plastic bottle and remove all labels. The bottle should be clear to let in as much light as possible.
Step 2:Choose a relatively clear section of water if you are gathering water from a stream. Mud and other floating matter can detract from this method's effectiveness.
Step 3:Remove the bottle cap and place the neck of the funnel into the mouth of the bottle. Stretch the cloth across the funnel and tie or hold it in place. The cloth filters particulate matter from the water.
Step 4:Scoop up some water with a cup or bucket and pour it slowly over the cloth into the funnel.
Step 5:Stop filling the bottle when it is 75 percent full. Replace the cap.
Step 6:Shake the bottle vigorously for about 20 seconds.
Step 7:Place the bottle horizontally on a flat surface like a rock or a rooftop. Ideally, the surface should be dark or reflective. Corrugated tin roofs work best, but any surface works as long as it receives direct sunlight.
Step 8:Let the bottle sit for at least 6 hours. If the sunlight is indirect or the sky is cloudy, let the bottle sit for 24 hours.

Pensive: Talk less but good!

By Sarah Mahmood

For today, Pensive brings a very small (but nonetheless important) piece of advice: try and stay out of useless conversations. They, very often, tend to get out of control and mess things up in an extremely weird fashion (weirder than the way you used to tie up your laces when you were small). All you end up with, are a couple of loose ends with you gaping in the air trying to understand where things went wrong.

And that's not just it, but for today I'll let the matter rest. Good luck deciphering the paragraph above!