
Sony Decides To Make a Movie on Steve Job's Life!

Sony Pictures are on the verge of signing a deal to produce a movie based on the life of Steve Jobs, the script of the movie will be conceived from the upcoming release of Steve Jobs’ biography. The biography is titled as Steve Jobs and is written by Walter Isaacson. The news was first published at Deadline, which stated that Sony has offered $1 million against the $3 million for the movie rights of the book and is also approaching Mike Gordon for the direction of the movie. Recently, Sony has made very well movies like The Social Network which is the story of the Facebook’s creation and Moneyball which is based on the real life story of Oakland A’s GM Billy Bean, who tries to put together a winning baseball team in smaller market.

Walter Isaacson’s book, Steve Jobs, was first scheduled to be released on November 21st by the popular publisher Simon and Schuster, but due to the sad death of legendary Steve Jobs, they had to rush out to make the release date as soon as 24th October. It is going to be 448 page book and is based on Walter’s 40 interviews with Jobs himself and 100 interviews with his relatives, friends, coworkers and even competitors. Steve Jobs himself did not read the book after mid-August but he did give his permission to finish the project. The book was previously titled as iSteve and it was in the Amazon’s Top 50 books list even before it was completed.

In 1999, a movie named Pirates Of Silicon Valley was released, which also depicted the real life incidents of Steve Jobs and Microsoft’s founder Bill Gates. It was a semi comic documentary and based on a book titled as Fire In the Valley: The Making of Personal Computer. In that movie, Noah Wyle starred as Steve Jobs. So, in his upcoming movie, who do you want to see portraying the role of Steve Jobs? You can comment your answers in the box below.

Here is a trailer of the Pirates of Silicon Valley:


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