
Salman Butt agreed to bat maiden over, court told

By Hussain Ali
Sports Correspondent, SAM Daily Times


London Oct 6: Salman Butt agreed to score no runs in a over as part of the betting scam,a court heard on Thursday.
After the allegations on Muhammad Amir and Muhammad Asif the prosecuter showed a tape in which Salman Butt agreed to bat a maiden over.

Majeed allegedly said: "You know the maiden we were doing in the first over?"
Butt allegedly replied: "Yeah."
Majeed: "You know the third over you face? Do one more maiden."
Butt: "No, leave it, OK."
Majeed: "You don't want to do the third over?"
Butt: "Nai, yaar." ("No, mate.")
Prosecutor Aftab Jafferjee said: "If not party to this corrupt agreement, you might expect Butt to say something to the effect of 'What are you talking about?'"
As the betting scam gets wider, the reporter working for News of the World is alleged to have revealed that four other pakistani players, Wahab Riaz, Kamran Akmal, Umar Akmal and Imran Farhat, were also involved in the spot -fixing.
The humiliation for the young player Amir continued when Aftab jafferjee said, "the relatively hapless Aamir would end up bowling no-balls that, as a seasoned cricket statistician will tell you, were the biggest no-balls he’s ever seen ".
Salman and Asif are still denying the allegations.


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