
Man with world's Largest Feet

Brahim Takioullah from Morroco has set the Guiness Recod for largest feet. His left one measuring one foot three inches (38.1 cm) in length while the right one, one foot 2.76 inches.Takioullah who stands more than eight foot (246 cm) tall,has to get for himself European size 58, which no shop has ever stocked at all.

Takioullah suffers from Acromegaly, a pituitary gland disorder that causes the body to produce excessive growth hormone. The brain tumour can lead to other problems aside from great size. Takioullah was advised to seek surgery, which he had planned after the completion of his studies.

Despite suffering from so many daily life problems, such as not fitting in a car/taxi, not being able to stand straight in his small flat, Takioullah enjoys the fame, always smiling and politely answering to questions regarding his condition.

French doctors are working to reduce Takioullah's brain tumour.


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