
Get the best Uth-Oye Shirts!

Ashton just lost his car. This poor guy lost a whole country to mediocre half-wits. Imagine his plight.

Rs. 1450 / $18

Initially, a lot of people came up to us and asked us what this piece symbolized. We asked them what they thought it meant and were rewarded with answers ranging from “Yaar, its east vs west!” to “I think you guys are trying to depict that imperialism can manifest culturally. Occam's Razor: We just wanted to design flying rickshaws!

Rs. 999 / $12

Do we really have to explain to you why a long haired Sultan Rahi crushing a cobra with his bare hands is awesome? Designed in collaboration with Rayi Christian Anderson

Rs. 1450 / $18

This tee beats both rock and paper. It also annihilates scissors. Throw it down against a straight flush or a full house and watch your opponents cringe in terror. Print a copy of it and use it as ready cash. Wearing this entitles you to a 4 car protocol. You can also use this instead of your passport at any international airport.

Rs. 999 / $12

Enter the shoe that launched a thousand ships, we mean clips. The shoe that left our Cabinet shaken, not stirred. Oh wait, wait – We all know this shoe doesn’t exist. It was just a malicious rumor, silly. And cows can fly.

Rs. 1450 / $18

Wear this tee to the next party you go to. That way, if someone asks you how it was you can say “It was a blast!”

Rs. 999 / $12

We’ll consume and we’ll consume some more. We’ll consume and loot and plunder until there is nothing left to consume. Then we’ll consume some more. We’re at a point right now where the search for alternate energy source has become mission critical. So go out and hug some trees, won’t you?

Rs. 999 / $12


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