

LAHORE - PAKISTAN : Government schools lack scientific laboratories. Students enrolled in pure science subjects are unable to learn practical skills required for excelling in their exams.

As the Punjab government proudly announces its plans to revolutionize the education system with the aid of public-private partnerships, public high schools across the province and maybe, the entire country, continue to lack basic amenities including scientific laboratories, which are crucial for imparting practical skills among pure science students.

In fact, the few schools that do have laboratories lack the necessary apparatus, chemical solutions, specimen samples and scientific equipment, forcing matriculation students to approach the costly private sector to prepare for the practical component of their of their physics, chemistry and biology exams.

Student Hussain Khalid, a Class 10 student revealed that his boards were approaching, however, no practical lessons had been arranged for any of the pure science subjects at his school.

'' Our school has a science laboratory, but no staff or practical equipment is available.

Due to the lack of practical skills for physics, chemistry and biology, 25 students at our school have failed.

Therefore, I am taking private practical classes costing a total of Rs 21,000 for all three subjects,'' said Khalid.

The World Students Society thanks Khalid Rasheed.


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