


PAKISTAN : The recent incident in district Kandhkot-Kashmore is an epitome of disorder and lawlessness where a teacher, Allah Rakhiyo Nandwani, was brutally murdered just because he was trying to get education going on in the region.

The incident is among many others that erupt periodically in a deeply conservative society, fuelled by chronic resentment of feudalism among communities.

Dozens of tribal clashes claim hundreds of lives in this and other districts every year.

For example, a PhD professor in Artificial Intelligence [AI], Muhammad Ajmal Sawand, with several years of teaching experience in Paris, who had come back from France to serve his people, was killed in a brazen attack by armed men in the line of tribal feud last year.

Despite repeated state-sponsored operations against the bandits, the fact is that no action from the law enforcement agencies has been able to uproot their brutal foothold.

The World Students Society thanks Imdad Hussain Lashari, Kandhkot.


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