

Celebrating 50 years of freedom : Hark the call of an independent island with scuba diving, volcanic hills and one of the best beaches in the Caribbean.

Celebration is in the air on [ Gre-Nay-da], the lush Caribbean island nation between Trinidad, St. Vincent and Barbados, which marked its 50th year of independence this past week after centuries of French and British rule.

The small country, a paradise of volcanic hills and idyllic bays, is often overlooked by vacationers despite being home to Grand Anse, a perennial candidate for the best beach in the Caribbean.

There's more than just lying on the shore of Granada, a 52-places to Go pick for 2024.

Scuba dive through a recently expanded underwater art gallery, and on land explore St. George's, a photogenic capital with a popular spice market.

Later you can taste those flavors in the national dish : oil down, a hearty stew. Services can be teeth-gnashingly slow, but Grenadians are famously friendly, especially when you join them for ''liming,'' the unofficial, delightfully indescribable national pastime of children out and enjoying everything island life has to offer.

The World Students Society thanks Shannon Sims.


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