
Headline, February 24 2024/ PERSPECTIVE : ''' SOUTH AFRICA SOARS '''



 SOARS '''


Rises to give this great nation of South Africa and its moral conscience, a resounding, reverberating standing ovation.

FRANCESCA ALBANESE - THE U.N. special rapporteur on Palestine, summed up in brilliance on Twitter X :

''Watching African women & men fighting to save humanity'' from the '' ruthless attacks supported / enabled by most of the West will remain one of the defining images of our time. This will make history whatever happens.''

As the war in Gaza grinds on, there is increasing talk of some '' day after '' formula for the broken territory.

But that notion is an ephemeral one - there is not going to be a bright line between war and peace in Gaza, even if some sort of negotiated settlement is reached.

Israel has made it clear that it will not subcontract security along its southern border to anyone else, and Israeli military officials say their forces will move in and out of Gaza as intelligence suggests for a very long time to come, even after troops finally withdraw.

'' The whole conceit of  ' the day after ' has to be retired,'' said Aaron David Miller, a former U.S. official at the Carnegie Endowment.

'' It's misleading and dangerous,'' he said, because there will be no clear dividing line '' between the end of Israel military operations and a relative stability that allows people to focus on reconstruction.''

There are a variety of sketchy ideas - ''plans'' would be too specific a word - for what happens after hostilities.

But there is a growing understanding that any sustainable settlement would require a regional deal involving countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Qatar.

Inevitably such a deal would have to be led by the United States, Israel's most trusted ally. Most officials and analysts assume it would require new governments, both in Israel and the Palestinian Authority, which partially governs the West Bank but is considered stale and corrupt.

As a starting point, the American special envoy Brent McGurk, toured the region, his focus on '' the potential for another hostage deal, which would have required a humanitarian pause of some length,'' according to the White House spokesman John Kirby.

Mr. Netanyahu is portraying himself as the one person who can prevent the Americans from imposing a Palestinian state on a traumatized Israel or significant restrictions on the Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank that is gradually absorbing Palestinian land.

But the Americans believe they may have important leverage over Israel and Mr. Netanyahu. Saudi Arabia, the key regional actor, has indicated that it wants to continue a path with Israel in return for American security guarantees against Iran, itself a controversial demand.

But Saudi Arabia has also said that normalization, let alone any cooperation on a post-Gaza future, both in reconstruction and security aid, depends on the creation of an ''irrevocable'' pathway toward a Palestinian state, which Mr. Netanyahu rejects.

Mr. Netanyahu's vision of a future Gaza is unclear. He continues to insist that Hamas will be  ''destroyed'' and all the hostages released.

But those goals seem more contradictory as the Israeli military operation in Gaza moves slowly and casualties on both sides mount.

Yaakov Amidror, a former general and national security adviser, said he sees 2024 as a year of low intensity warfare.

The next year or 18 months will be dedicated to finding and destroying Hamas tunnels, infrastructure and fighters, said Mr. Amidror, now a fellow at the Jerusalem Institute for Strategic Studies, a conservative think tank.

At the end, by mid-2025, he said, he believes Hamas will no longer have military and political capacity to run Gaza. And the Israeli army may be in a position to operate in Gaza along the lines of its West Bank model, he said.

So even with good intentions, there is a long road ahead to a true ''day after,'' and many possible ways for the best plans to fail

This Sad and Tragic Publishing continues. The World Students Society thanks authors Steven Erlanger,  Patrick Kingsley, Gal Koplewitz and Aaron Boxerman in Jerusalem and Vivian Nereim in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

With most respectful dedication to the great nation of South Africa, Mankind, the Global Founder Framers of The World Students Society - for every subject in the world and then Students, Professors and Teachers.

SeeYa all prepare for Great Global Elections on !WOW! - the exclusive and eternal ownership of every student in the world : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter X !E-WOW! - The Ecosystem 2011 :

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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