

TEACHERS serve as a guiding force, shaping the intellectual growth and academic prowess of the future generations.

However, a growing concern has surfaced in recent times, particularly in Sindh's government schools, where teachers are tasked with instructing multiple subjects outside their area of specialization.

This practice not only compromises the quality of education but also undermines the very existence of subject expertise.

One glaring example of this issue is evident in the assignment of teachers holding degrees in specific subjects like Pakistan Studies or Sindhi, who find themselves juggling a myriad of subjects ranging from mathematics to chemistry and English.

While the versatility of educators is commendable, there is a growing realisation that such a wide spectrum of subjects cannot be adequately covered by a single individual without sacrificing depth and proficiency.

Imagine a scenario where a teacher primarily trained in Pakistan Studies id also responsible for teaching mathematics, physics, chemistry and the very subject they specialise in.

The result is a diluted educational experience where students may not receive the in-depth understanding and comprehensive knowledge needed for each subject. This not only hampers academic growth but also contributes to a lack of passion and interest in these subjects.

To address this pressing issue, the government must reevaluate its approach to teacher deployment. Instead of assigning educators to teach across a broad spectrum of subjects, the emphasis should be on hiring specialised teachers for each subject.

By prioritising the recruitment of subject -specific teachers, the government can contribute significantly to the enhancement of the education system.

This may require strategic planning, increased investment in teacher training programmes and a reevaluation of current staffing practices.

The long-term benefits in terms of improved academic performance, student engagement and a genuine interest in learning will far outweigh the initial challenge.

The World Students Society thanks Pehlaj Kumar, Karoondi.


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