


AMBITIOUS UNDERTAKING : Scorsese unveils plans for film on Jesus. The master genius filmmaker previously directed '' The Last Temptation of Christ ''.

As Martin Scorsese revels in the acclaim for his latest film, Killers of the Flower Moon, the esteemed filmmaker is already offering a glimpse into his next potential project.

In a recent interview with The Los Angeles Times, Scorsese disclosed plans for a new religious film based on Shusaku Endo's book, A Life of Jesus.

'' I'm trying to find a new way to make it more accessible and take away the negative onus of what has been associated with organised religion,'' Scorsese explained.

The 80-year-old filmmaker insisted on reconsidering religion's initial impulse without dismissing it outright.

He furthered on, '' Let's get back. Let's just think about it. You may reject it. But it might make a difference in how you live your life - even in rejecting it. Don't dismiss it offhand. That's all I'm talking about. And I'm saying that as a person who's going to be 81 in a couple of days.

Unlike his previous ventures into religious cinema with the 1988 release, The Last Temptation of Christ, Scorsese envisions this film to be predominantly set in the present day, aiming for a timeless quality rather than being confined to a specific era.

Running at approximately 80 minutes, the upcoming film will be a major departure from the nearly three-and-a-half-hour runtime of Flower Moon.

As per The LA Times, Scorsese will delve into Jesus fundamental teachings without engaging in  ''proselytisation.'' While little is known about the plot and casting yet, fans can expect the project to pick up pace, owing to the auteur's unassailable spirit.

Collaborating with critic and filmmaker Kent Jones, Scorsese has completed the screenplay and plans to begin shooting the film later this year.

As the filmmaker jumps from Flower Moon to this new passion project, the fate of another film in the maestro's pipeline hangs in the balance. Based on David Grann's nonfiction book, The Wager was announced by Apple Original Films in July 2022, featuring Leonardo DiCaprio as lead.

However, production has yet to kick off. The decision to put hold on The Wager was made public in October, when Scorsese told the IndieWire :

 '' First of all, the issue is now that the writers' strike is over, and because so much is on me to go out there and spread the word about Killers of the Flower Moon, let me take a break.''

The World Students Society thanks News Desk - The Express Tribune.


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