
Headline, January 16 2024/ PAKISTAN : ''' TIMES - TURING - TIMER '''



'' ONE MUST ASK WHY THE TWO foreign entrants - {WARID and TELENOR} have pulled out. They invested $5 billion but couldn't continue operations,'' says Aamir Hafeez Ibrahim - Jazz CEO.

In a bid to propel Pakistan into a new era of economic and societal transformation, technology experts are rallying around for a shift towards a knowledge economy mindset.

The calls comes with an emphasis in facilitating the technology and IT industry, thereby boosting IT exports. These tech visionaries underscored the need to move away from traditional practices, advocating for a focus on the IT sector and its services.

The industrial era, marked by its emphasises on the manufacturing processes' scale and efficiency, is contrasted with the emerging knowledge economy that prioritises intellectual capabilities, innovation and information exchange.

According to these tech mavens, the ascension of the IT industry exemplifies the fundamental shift, where intangible assets take precedence in defining value. Unlike other sectors, the IT industry offers unparalleled.

Entrepreneurs in this domain can swiftly relocate companies and enable remote work for teams of various sizes. This stands in stark contrast to the limitations imposed by the industrial mindset, where the physical nature of goods production, such as packaging, medicine, or garment manufacturing, impedes work-from-home possibilities.

The imperative lies in the hands of the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication, urged to streamline VISA processes globally for IT professionals.

The tech destination Pakistan, designed to elevate the nation's brand, is viewed as a pivotal player in shaping the country's international perception. The advocates also emphasise the swift establishment of special technology zones within the IT sector.

Delving into the dichotomy between the industrial-era mindset prevalent in traditional sectors and the knowledge economy mindset of the IT industry.

Chairman of Pakistan Software Houses Association [P@SHA], Muhammad Zohaib Khan, highlighted the stark differences :

'' The knowledge-economy mindset is inherently virtual, emphasising the provision of facilities, the need for incentivisation, a global orientation, ease of mobility, movement of people, long-term relationships, political stability, and an enhanced country perception intertwined with foreign policy.

Any temporary disruption in this knowledged-based paradigm could potentially lead to permanent business loss,'' he explained.

Conversely, he said, the industrial-era mindset is described as physical, country-specific, and reliant on intensive infrastructure and fixed assets.

Stability in the knowledge-based mindset is seen as less impacted by disruptions, with low effects on account freeze or routine law enforcement actions like shop sealing by agencies such as Federal Investigation Agency [FIA] and Federal Board of Revenue [FBR].

Khan stressed the need for a profound shift in mindset to digitalise public services offered by major departments like the State Bank of Pakistan [SBP] and FBR. He argued that a reliance on skill and the digitisation of services, making use of online systems, is crucial for the IT export sector.

Furthermore, he advocated for a faceless and online system for both the SBP and FBR, ensuring smooth transactions without physical interactions.

All notices or updates must be uploaded through artificial intelligence [AI], he said adding that the government must prefer Made in Pakistan's software and hardware and tax-free export can play an important role.

Drawing attention to the evolving job landscape, Si Global Solutions CEO and IT expert, Noman Said, provided insights into the World Economic Forum's projection that over half of all current workplace tasks will be performed by machines by 2025.

He underscored the economic contribution of the IT industry, projecting a global market size of $5 trillion by 2026.

The Honour and Serving of the Latest Operational Research on Pakistan's Software and Hardware plans and thinking, continues. The World Students Society thanks Gohar Ali Khan.

With most respectful dedication to the Proud People of Pakistan, and the Global Founder Framers of !WOW! and then Students, Professors and Teachers of the world.

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Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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