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THE WORLD STUDENTS SOCIETY - FOR EVERY SUBJECT IN THE WORLD, is the exclusive ownership of every student in Africa, just as it is the exclusive ownership of every student in the world.
All Book Rights, Movie Rights, endowments, scholarships, awards, honours, all and every revenue, is the total ownership of the students of the world, governed and overseen by 'your elected members' with the Global Founder Framers having a veto.
There's no such thing as ''just'' having an education. You have to understand the world. Welcome to The World Students Society! All Leaders, all Grandparents, Parents, Students, Professors and Teachers are Welcome.
NEWGLOBE SCHOOLS USES SOME OF THE WORLD'S most successful educational techniques.
Some of the world's most successful educational techniques are being applied today in Kenya, Uganda, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda and India, in schools serving poor children that are run or advised by NewGlobe Schools, a company founded by Americans with headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya.
These techniques deserve to be applied more widely, including in wealthy nations such as the United States..
A new study led by a Nobel laureate economist, Michael Kremer of the University of Chicago, found that in Kenya, enrolling in schools run by NewGlobe for two years increased test scores by an amount equal to being in school for an additional 0.89 year for primary school pupils, and to being in school an extra for 1.48 years for pre-primary pupils. The poorest children improved the most.
''The test score effects in this study are among the largest observed in the international education literature, particularly for a program that was already operating at a scale, exceeding the 99th percentile of treatment effects of large-scale education interventions,'' Mr. Kremer and his colleagues found.
NewGlobe clearly has built a better mousetrap, but it has taken a while for the world to beat a path to its door. It has encountered multiple obstacles, including from the U.S.Congress, although it is gradually winning followers.
One reason for the slow uptake in the early going was resistance from teachers unions, including the Kenyan National Union of Teachers. During the period studied, NewGlobe paid teachers only one-third to one-fifth of what Kenyan public school teachers were earning.
Many of its initial recruits didn't have teaching certificates. [NewGlobe says that it adapted to the government requirements as they changed over time].
STUDENTS in Bridge International Academies, as NewGlobe Schools in Kenya are called, routinely outperformed students in the public schools, the researchers found.
To be sure, that was not a high-hurdle : The Kremer paper cites other research findings that ''Kenyan teachers were absent from class during 47 percent of unannounced visits and spent about two hours and 20 minutes a day teaching.''
''Interleaving'' is an example of a teaching technique that NewGlobe rolled out to classrooms successfully in math classes, for instance, students are given a mixture of problems that require different methods instead of a solid block of problems in which they apply one method over and over.
NewGlobe found that interleaving resulted in worst performance on tests in the short term but much better performance over the long run - so now the technique is built into the teaching software that the teachers use.
Some critics of the NewGlobe are put off that its teaching is highly scripted and standardized. NewGlobe figures out what works best and then requires teachers to do exactly that.
They are equipped with tablet computers that tell them what to say [''Eyes on me,'' for example], what gestures to use, when to cold-call on a student, when to tell students to work together on a problem and so on.
According to union-supported research school inspectors and others officials in Kenya '' describe this method of teaching as 'robotic' too controlling '' disabling the teachers from using their creativity and innovativeness, 'neocolonial' and representing a form of slavery.' ''
NewGlobe executives don't see it that way. I interviewed Shannon May, a co-founder of the company, and Sean Geraghty, its chief academic officer. ''I think of it like music,'' Ms. May said.
''There's a certain order of notes. Those notes have been standardized. They're on a clef. Piano or forte. The composer is guiding you.'' As with musicians, there is room for teachers to exercise creativity while following the script, she said.
Standardization doesn't drain creativity from students either. Mr. Geraghty said. Creativity is hard to quantify, of course, but students in NewGlobe schools perform as well as others in an exercise in which they're encouraged to think of different uses for a spoon.
''We find positive and statistically significant effects on higher order skills, the Kremer study said.
The Publishing continues, The World Students Society thanks author Peter Coy.
With respectful dedication to the Students of Africa, and then Students, Professors and Teachers of the world. See Ya all prepare and register for Great Global Elections on The World Students Society : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter - !E-WOW! - The Ecosystem 2011 :
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