
Headline, May 22 2022/ ''' '' !WOWING! POSTHUMAN UNIVERSITY '' '''

''' '' !WOWING! 


MOHAMMED JAWAD KHAN YUSUFZAI - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, PH.D - LAWYER - is the most remarkable of Almighty God's creation that I ever had the privilege and the honour to know. 

God fearing, selfless, scrupulously honest, fearless, hardworking, focused, professional, battle tested : Siachen and Somalia, and the greatest of believers in spending his life in the service of mankind.

Convent School, Saint Mary's, Aitchison College, Sword-of-Honour from the Military Academy, ADC to Proud Pakistan's Army Chief, topping every course, with all outstanding reports; a top graduate from Staff College, U.K., Masters King's College, a PH.D from University of  Virginia [GPA 4].

THE WORLD STUDENTS SOCIETY : I NOW TASK HIM to help build a World Class School, College, University, Research Center, ''NOT FOR PROFIT'', but for the knowledge seeking students of the whole world, at the confluence of Indus and Kabul Rivers, over a dry piece of vast, arid island and land, in an area broadly referred to as khabal in the KPK province. 

THAT would be the legacy to his great humanitarian military family, his great parents, his very great friends and colleagues, and to all those who received his magnanimity, his generosity of spirit, and his endless devotion.

THAT he happens to be a nephew - his mother being my elder sister, has doubled all honours. This vast canvas is entirely clean and open, and he should stop everything and begin planning an interface.

The said university will be owned by the students of the world. The governing board is ever answerable to the global students.

FRANCE : THE TYPICAL BeReal feed features photos taken in class, at work, while driving or getting ready for bed. There are lots of people making funny or bored faces while doing fun or boring activities. It's nice! Or at least not miserable, which is worth a lot these days.

Right now, BeReal feels more like a group activity than a full-fledged social platform, a low-stakes diversion that, despite its direct demands, doesn't ask for much. It's a randomly scheduled social break from your day but also from your other feeds, where scrolling and posting have drifted from leisure to labor or worse, as The Wall Street Journal reported last year in a story about the toll Instagram has taken on teenage mental health.

BEREAL - WHICH IS BASED IN PARIS, WAS FOUNDED IN 2020, and by April of this year, it has been installed an estimated 7.41 million times, according to Apptopia, an analytics firm.

This has been covered over the last several months in student newspapers, which have noted its aggressive use of paid campus ambassadors; in March Bloomberg reported that the app was ''trending at colleges''.

The company raised about $30 million in venture funding last year, according to Pitchbook and a recent report from Insider says the next round of funding is expected to be much larger.

Buzzy new apps pop up all the time. Part of the appeal of using them is never knowing which one will stick. The chance that an app might become something significant makes it enticing; novelty and unpredictability head off the feeling that, Oh no, here we go again.

The much higher likelihood that a given platform will explode or pivot out of existence gives you permission not to worry too much about what you're doing there and where it might lead. It's the best of all worlds, and it doesn't last long.

My tender memories of signing up for services that would end up altering the course of history heavily features desktop computers; I am, for the purposes of this conversation, old. But when it comes to social networks, nostalgia strikes fast and young.

''Posting on Instagram these days, there's such a process,'' said Brenden Koo, an undergraduate at Stanford. His parents follow him on Snapchat, which he suggested had ''reached its peak.''

He joined BeReal in December after hearing about it from a friend. He appreciates the fact that it's temporary, low effort and ''situational.'' It's less of a replacement for anything else than a social media extracurricular.

''Even college students find it to be a little kitschy,'' Mr. Koo, 21, said.

His classmates Oriana Riley, 19 agreed that the app asked less of her than others. ''I think the once-a-day aspect of BeReal makes it feel a lot healthier than other social media use,'' Ms. Riley said. ''It feels less entrapping than other social media does.''

The comfort of close friends : BeReal is absolutely not an anti-social media project - it's a commercial social photo-sharing app that is attempting to gain a critical mass of users within a largely familiar paradigm.

Most apps expect users to produce revenue eventually, through advertising, commerce and other forms of engagement.

BeReal is currently ad-free, and its terms of use prohibit users from posting their own. But it is a start-up, and one that has raised funds from some of the same firms that invested more than a decade ago in Facebook and Instagram - another app that tapped into hazy nostalgia, only by giving users filmlike photo filters instead of taking them away.

WHAT BEREAL offers now is a fresh version of an experience that has been tainted or worn out elsewhere.

If Instagram or Snapchat notified all of their users daily that they had two minutes to post, it would be understood as desperate spam; if TikTok demanded its share a video before seeing anything else posted that day, as BeReal does, it wouldn't feel like a way to foster trust or intimacy, but rather like a violation in service of growth hacking. 

Randomly timed check-ins are fun between friends; at scale, they're surveillance.

BeReal is blunt but makes a great point : If you spend enough time in spaces that demand that you be interesting, you eventually become boring. Expecting to see unexpected posts from your friends makes users more generous with one another, and will themselves.

The photos of keyboards, sidewalks, pets and childrens, of desks and walls and plenty of screens, all accompanied by poorly framed faces, may not feel totally new or sustainable. But for now, for some, they feel like a relief.

The Honour and Serving of the Latest Global Operational Research on New Apps, New World, continues. The World Students Society thanks author John Herrman.

With most respectful and loving dedication to Dr. M Jawad Khan, University of California, the Global Founder Framers of The World Students Society, and then the students of the world, to stop and consider registering on : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter !E-WOW! - The Ecosystem 2011.

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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