
Headline, April 14 2021/ ''' '' RESUME -JOBS - RHYMES '' ''' : PITFALLS

''' '' RESUME -JOBS -


PITFALLS : THE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE used by hiring systems can generate unintended harmful consequences, said Hong Qu, a race and technology fellow at Stanford.

He is a creator of AI Blindspot, a set of practices that help software development teams recognize unconscious biases and structural inequalities that could affect their software's decision-making.

''The systems can still have their own forms of biases and may screen out qualified applicants,'' Mr. Qu said.

A company may put priority on the resumes of software engineer applicants who went to the same universities as successful engineers in the industry. Applicants from women or historically Black colleges may be more likely to be rejected, for example, if the upper ranks of engineers in an industry are predominantly white men.

''Getting the system right is more than debugging code and de-biasing training data, because the software is based on value-driven decisions with historical baggage,'' Mr. Qu said.

Biases considered by the system can extend beyond screening. For example, recruiters can be subject to ''automation bias,'' giving an analysis more weight because it came from a computer system. Pooling candidates who have all made it through the screening for their next level of evaluation, rather than ranking them by scores bestowed by the software, can help alleviate this effect.

IT WAS INEVITABLE : WHEN COMPANIES made it simple to apply for a job online, applications poured in.

To wade through this ever rising tide of resumes - human resources departments are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence systems to pluck out the the candidates deemed to be good fits.

So while applying may be as easy as a mouse click, that resume is much more likely to be screened out into oblivion than to end up in front of a recruiter.

To avoid getting caught by the resume sifter, job seekers should understand the new systems, which have been spreading to more industries and positions.


So-called predictive hiring tools evaluate resumes by finding keywords related to categories like skills, experience and education and writing them according to the job requirements and any other factors the hiring company has specified.

The system may weight applicants who have worked at certain companies more positively. It may infer how old a skill seems to be from where it appears in a job history.

Artificial Intelligence is used to understand what people mean to say - for example, if Carleton is a person's name, an alma mater or a company that applicant for.

The software systems can be less biased than human screeners because they can be programmed to ignore characteristics like age, sex, race and other protected categories.


Making it through the automated screening can require tailoring your resume, not just the cover letter to each job you are applying for.

Greg Moran, chief executive of OutMatch, a system that screens more than 10 million applicants a year for companies including Pepsi, Toyota and Walmart, confirmed that the following actions would help applicants avoid an automated rejection.

Include in your resume the same keywords, or similar ones, that the job position uses for the knowledge, skills, experience and duties involved.

Use the most relevant keywords in your most recent job listed. If you mention data analytics in a job 10 years ago but not in more recent work, the algorithm may give it less weight.

Words like ''significant,'' ''strong'' and ''mastery'' in a job description can be clues that those skills will be weighted heavily, so they should be emphasized in your resume and included on your descriptions of your more current experience.

Quantify wherever possible. ''Managed a team of five that increased sales by 40 percent over 2 years'' works better than ''Managed a team that significantly increased sales.''

Make sure the system can ''read'' your resume. In some systems the PDF file format can make your resume appear as a single image, so Microsoft Word may be a better choice.

Fancy formatting like columns or added images can be less readable if the system is scanning left to right. Don't try to trick the software with keywords in white text - the creators have already thought of that.

Mention all your skills. The system may scan for specific experience with, for example, the programming language R or Tableau, so don't lump them together as ''experienced in data analytics.''

If you are part of an underrepresented group, use terms that will let the system identify you to companies that are trying to diversify their work force.

The Honor and Serving of the Latest Global Operational Research on Resume-writing in the age of A.I., continues. The World Students Society thanks author Julie Weed.

With respectful dedication to the Students, Professors and Teachers of the world. See Ya all prepare and register for Great Global Elections on The World Students Society : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter - !WOW! - The Ecosystem 2011 :

''' Tips - Taps '''

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