
Headline, February 25 2021/''' '' PHUBBING STUDENTS PHISHING '' '''



FOR PROUD PAKISTAN : ONE GREAT PAEAN : Students Scholarship Rs 1 Billion per annum on both 'merit and very great need basis'. 891 Under-graduate Scholarships and 14,000 Intermediate Scholarships annually.

The Heroic Global Founder Framers - and The World Students Society rises to give the O'' Captain Imran Khan - H.E. The Prime Minister of Pakistan, a standing ovation.

A warm hug from me personally, O''Captain!. !WOW! prays for the Captain's successes, long life and well being and fully extends these feelings to the ever resilient and optimistic people of Proud Pakistan.

Global Society and The Dyeing Art Of Conversation : Today's fast-paced lifestyles, coupled with constant presence of mobile phones and social media, have led us to lose interpersonal connections.

IN ''THE PURSUIT OF ATTENTION,'' SOCIOLOGIST Charles Derber shares the results of fascinating research in which hundreds of face-to-face interactions were studied by researchers -revealing how hard people tried for attention.

Most people struggle with what he termed as ''conversational narcissism''. In other words, the desire to take over a conversation, - to do most of the talking, and turn the focus of the exchange to one's own self was bluntly apparent in most cases.

To experience a sense of belonging, to be seen, valued and heard, is one of the most fundamental desires of human beings. Yet, life in the 21st century - running around chasing heavy schedules, meeting targets and deadlines - has sabotaged meaningful connections in our lives.

Modern-day living with smartphones and social media has further cemented this loss. Regardless of where you look, be it the local dhaaba [roadside cafe] anywhere in the world, say on the streets of Toronto, people are guilty of what has been described as 'phubbling'.

The term, to put it quite simply, means 'phone snubbing' i.e. the act of snubbing someone in a social sitting favor of your mobile phone.

As sad as it may seem, the phenomenon is prevalent the world over without exception. Numerous studies have shown that it creates a barrier to meaningful communication, leading to significantly lower relationship satisfaction and overall individual well-being.

Increasingly people now turn to their phones to de-stress or take a break from work, and it is turning into a serious addiction : mobile phone addiction statistics found that over 70 percent of smart phone users sleep with their phone within immediate reach, instinctively picking them up the first thing after they wake up.

They also do it countless times during the course of the day, to scroll through messages, get news updates, catch up on social media, play games, watch videos, listen to podcasts or music, or shop. And the list goes on.

We seem to be powerless against this compulsive need to to tap, swipe and scroll, which has spiralled out of control, taking over us completely. On being asked about their incessant incessant need for connectivity at all times, university students invariably had the same answer :

''A constant fear of missing out prevents me from disengaging with my phone,'' says Sara, an undergraduate student at York University, ''I need to see every notification as it happens.''

We talk and chat, often text or WhatsApp messages interspersed with multiple emojis that are mostly mundane and superficial, but we hardly seem to converse anymore. We often avoid having longer conversations, and don't give enough time and effort to understand the people who live and work around us.

Surely there must be some simple, yet effective, measures we can undertake to try and bring our conversational skills back to life.

The first crucial step is the realisation that this widespread tendency for phubbing has spiralled out of control and something needs to change. We cannot continue to go down this path, being sucked in further and further into the hypnotising world of WhatsApp, Instagram feeds, Snapchats and TikTok videos.

Recognizing the problem is the necessary first step toward helping us find a solution. One must set time limits for mindless scrolling and social media in general, and strictly follow them, by putting those screens away once the time is up.

We need to curb every urge to dominate the narrative, being supportive instead, encouraging the other person to continue their story. Be curious and keep the momentum going by asking relevant questions.

It lets the one sitting across know we're listening and are interested in hearing more.

How many times have you gone out for lunch with a loved one, setting your phone on the table? You may have felt virtuous because you didn't pick it up to check your messages, but the presence of the phone still undermines your connection with the person sitting across from you.

The Honor and Serving of the Latest Global Operational Research on Phubbing and Society, continues. The World Students Society thanks author Maheain Kazi, from Toronto, - skilled in Cognitive Science.

With respectful dedication to H.E. O''Captain Imran Khan, The Prime Minister of Pakistan, The Global Founder Framers of !WOW!, Grandparents, Parents, Students, Professors and Teachers of the World.

See Ya all prepare and register for Great Global Elections on The World Students Society : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter - !E-WOW! - The Ecosystem 2011 :

''' Converse - Converse '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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