''' WORLD -''WOMEN''-
THE FOUNDER FRAMERS AND The Students of the entire world, should not only show empathy but truly understand that...
THE ENTIRE WORLD HAS NEVER HAD SUCH AN OPPORTUNITY as, !WOW! - The World Students Society, to reset its priorities in order to build a society that honours the dignity and well being of each and every human being.
In the developing world, there is a clear relationship between patriarchal mindsets which suppress a woman's growth, and the extreme economic recession that has befallen females during this pandemic.
AMONG THE 20.5 MILLION JOBS LOST THIS YEAR in the US, 55 percent of those who worked in them were females. Female employment is segregated in the service industry, including entertainment, tourism, hospitality sector and the like.
Salons, flight attendants, cleaners, part-time agriculture workers, all of these remain vulnerable to the post-Covid-19 economic downturn.
Economic data has revealed the Covid-19 has negatively affected these sectors, and thus more females are out of a job today.
AS 35 MILLION INDIVIDUALS PLUNGE INTO EXTREME POVERTY as a result of the pandemic, there is no denying such factors will lead to further feminisation of poverty.
In almost all societies of the world, women show higher poverty rates than men. The causality of this can be attributed to the way economic resources are allocated as well as overall gender-discriminatory beliefs that emanate from patriarchy and misogyny. Such notions have led to the oppression and brutalisation of women, while sustaining huge economic disparities.
Over time, gender discrimination has been highlighted as a structural issue, where there are inbuilt biases which work against women at all levels - from gender rules roles within households to legislation to the distribution of wealth or the way in which the economy and the workplace are organised.
The Covid-19 world has forced us to reassess the state of capitalism, especially in terms of the intrinsic and extrinsic constraints that women face, which prevent their full participation in the economy while inhibiting the potential gains from their financial contributions.
Beyond doubt, Covid-19 has had an indelible effect on the economy; yet the impact needs to be viewed from a gendered lens in order to determine its true significance. This recession has been termed as a ''shecession'', and for a good reason.
Today, economic realities are somewhat different, with greater globalisation of world markets through a network of supply chains,
According to the ILO, where there are 3.3 billion workers worldwide of whom 2 billion work in the informal sector and in developing countries. Due to lockdowns and reduced demands, over 50percent of such workers will lose their job.
Essentially, women workers are ghettoised in low-value, unskilled and insecure jobs, eg in South Asia alone, 85 percent of women who work are employed in the 'grey' economy. This leaves them without the protection of labour laws including job security, paid sick leave and child care.
Women rely on such jobs as they lack the education and requisite skills that are necessary for them to compete with men for employment in the formal sector. A major effect of the ''shecession'' is the inordinate amount of physical and psychological burden placed on women, which is rarely measured or acknowledged .
Women faced by traditional gender roles have double the responsibility at present, with over 1.5 billion children out of school, they not only have to perform as employees while at home, but simultaneously provide childcare care and act as homemakers.
We need to bring about change by devising economic policies which benefit women, and enable them to be equal participants in building a great, fair and hopeful world. There can be no doubt that the gains from gender inclusion are much bigger than ever imagined before. [The World Students Society thanks author Roshaneh Zafar].
With respectful dedication to all the Women in the world, Students, Professors and Teachers, and then the world. See Ya all prepare and register for Great Global Elections on The World Students Society : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter - !E-WOW! - The Ecosystem 2011:
''' Women - Wonder '''
Good Night and God Bless
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