
Headline, March 12 2019/ ''' '' TECH -1.7 TRILLION- TIME '' ''' : STUDENTS

''' '' TECH -1.7 TRILLION- 



Will learn a lot watching how well business and other analog activities operate during a crisis using digital tools.
How will tech help during a pandemic?


Three letters : WFH : That's ''work from home''. Zoom makes popular software that allows users to conduct video-conference meetings from different locations.

Thus, in a time of restricted business travel and increasing pressure on companies, schools and other public gatherings places to to put epidemic plans in place, digital companies like Zoom are likely to rise and benefit. 

Zoom is just one such company - and its recent bounce focuses attention on telework, a way of working that has been growing in recent years, albeit more slowly than the technologies that facilitate it.

IN THE WAKE OF THE GLOBAL SPREAD  of the new coronavirus, I can give you 1.7 trillion reasons that you might want to pay attention to Zoom Video Communications and companies like it.

That big number is the dollar value lost in the stock market just recently - Monday and Tuesday on investor fears of the proliferation of the virus. Around February - there have been more than 82,000 cases in four dozen countries and more than 2,800 deaths. Italy, Iran and China have initiated quarantines and restricted travel.

The human cost, of course, should be our most important concern. But the impact on supply chains originating in China is also a serious matter. That explains why tech stocks - after being at the forefront of the huge run-up in the markets over the last few years - have lost significant value since mid-February.

Apple has dropped from $327 a share to $274, Alphabet from $1,517 to $1, 315. Facebook from $217 to $190. Microsoft from $187 to $158.

But not Zoom, whose shares have risen more than 60 percent over the last month, $114 a share, or close to $30 billion valuation.

Why the boom, given the company's profits have been pretty modest? Wall Street is expecting to show about $175 million in revenue for the latest quarter when it reports its results

IN 2003, with last big similar outbreak [SARS, also a coronavirus the tech tools for remote communication were in their early days.There was no Facebook, no Twitter, no Slack, and perhaps most important, no iPhone [and therefore no apps]

There were laptops and more basic mobile phones back then. But working, being entertained and  shopping from home were still difficult and rare.

And even though more companies now allow employees to work from home, and more employees are taking advantage of that opportunity, the idea that worker need to be present at one office location in their analog bodies has remained quiet persistent.

This is despite the obvious and sometimes dispiriting trend toward living in a fully digital world.

Along with the isolation and separation it brings, digital life has resulted in more  social and political polarization for many people.

In a recent interview about his book, ''Why We're Polarized,'' the journalist Ezra Klein noteed that social media ''has been polarization accelerator. In the coming years, it may prove a primary driver.''

On an overnight flight this week from Washington to San Francisco, the man seated next to me started by painstaking cleaning all of the surfaces around us with alcohol wipes.

He then donned a N95 respirator face mask that has that has a Space Invaders pattern on it.

''People gave me dirty looks on my last flight, so I hope you don't mind,'' he said in a muffled voice with a hint of embarrassment. ''But you know.........................''

I did not mind at all. And, yes, I do know.     

That's becoming abundantly clear. But can tech also prove to be a positive force in the health crisis, rather then the relentless drag it has become?

The Research and Serving of the Latest Global findings and writings on Tech, Tools and Pandemic, continues. The World Students Society thanks author Kara Swisher, editor at large, Recode.

With respectful dedication to Parents, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world.

See Ya all prepare and register for  Great Global Elections on The World Students Society : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter - !E-WOW! - The Ecosystem 2011:

'''  Matter Season '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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