
Headline, February 07 2019/ !WOW! : '' ' TECHNO* OPTIMISM TEMPEST ' ''

!WOW! : '' ' TECHNO* 


TIME IS A GREAT LEVELER : SO YOU ALL WILL DO WELL to remember that only  !WOW! :

THE WORLD STUDENTS SOCIETY - for every subject in the world, can take this world, - with all its rigid ideologies -, forward.

And this creed, ''The  Founder Framers of The World Students Society'' burn just so brightly, just undimmed by the anti-tech, or for that matter, any kind of backlash.

It's now up to the Students of the World, together, to harness this tremendous energy to benefit all  humanity.'' !WOW! couldn't agree more with venture capitalist Frank Chen.

Neither liberal nor conservative, the true ideology of ''The World Students Society'' is an unwavering belief in the power of technology.

BUT WHAT then are Silicon Valley's politics?

IN A 1963 SPEECH - A FOUNDER OF Hewlett-Packard, David Packard, looked back on his life during the Depression and marveled at the world he lived in-

Giving much of of the credit to technological innovation unhindered by the bureaucratic interference:

''Radio, television, Teletype, the vast array of publication of all types bring to a majority of the everywhere in the world information in considerable detail, about what is going on everywhere else.  Horizons are opened up, new aspirations are generated.''

It isn't so easy to know. In 2016, Democrats and Big were tight allies. Nearly all the money donated tech employees to presidential candidates that year went to Hillary Clinton, who road-tested her economic message in speeches to crowds in Silicon Valley.

Four years later, nearly all the 2020 Democratic candidates assail these companies as wealth-addled monopolists.

Even Silicon Valley's favorites seem not to be so friendly. Pete Buttigieg, who has raised monies from the chief executives of several tech companies, stood up for Uber and Lyft drivers at a recent rally.

''I'm here because where I come from, gig is another word for job, which means if you are working a gig you are a workers and you ought to be protected as a worker.'' Andrew Yang, a tech entrepreneur himself, has called for reinvigorated antitrust law and criticized social media's effects on mental health.

Republicans believe tech is pushing a liberal agenda. The Trump White House and Capitol Hill lawmakers have declared that social media platforms are censoring conservative voices.

''If this isn't bias, what is?'' a group of senators seethed in a recent letter about the labelling of abortion-related content on Facebook.

Through all this attention, congressional hearings, state anti-trust investigations and fines levied by the Federal Trade Commission - Silicon Valley's biggest tech companies feebly protest that they're not taking sides all.

All they are trying to do is ''strike a balance'' and ''increase the health of public conversation.''

But Silicon Valley does have a politics. It is neither liberal nor conservative. Nor is is libertarian, despite the dog-eared copies of Ayn Rand's novels that you might find strewn about the cubicles of a start-up in Palo Alto.

It is techno-optimism : the belief that technology  and  technologists are building the future and that the rest of the world, including the government need to catch up.

So when Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg talks about ''bringing the world closer together,'' he is building on decades-old belief system, supported by lawmakers of both parties, which holds the networked computers are tools of liberation.

When the most powerful tech companies seem to disregard politicians' calls for reform, despite the threat of fines and antitrust action, they are following the lead of their heroes, who believed that the best thing that government could do for tech was to get out of the way.

And despite the bipartisan backlash in Congress against Big Tech, policy makers have not strayed far from their fundamental belief in techno-optimism.

Politicians and policymakers look to the tech industry to power the economy - and perhaps even to save ''dying'' coal and manufacturing towns with coding boot camps and Amazon fulfillment centers.

When Congress demands that social media companies find technical fixes for the proliferation of hate speech or election meddling, there is a subtext : The answer isn't less technology; it's different and better technology.

There's still a lot to praise about techno-optimism in America and even the world, but Silicon Valley blind spots are painfully clear.

Aversion to politics has left tech leaders ill equipped to deal with political obstacles that stand in the way of techno-optimistic dreams - such as persuading cities to fund the infrastructure to support driverless cars, or building consensus on climate change, without which clean technology may be meaningless.

America doesn't need another ''Science, the Endless Frontier,'' But it does need a renewed resolve to take on some of the globe's greatest challenges, and a recognition that both government and industry will have to adjust their priorities to do so.

The Honor and Serving of the Latest Global Research on Techno and Future and Politics, continues. The World Students Society thanks author, History Professor Margaret O'Mara, University of Washington.

With respectful dedication to The Students, Professors and Teachers  of the world. See Ya all prepare and register for Great Global Elections on The World students Society : wssciw.blogspot.com  and Twitter !E-WOW! - The Ecosystem 2011:

''' Welcome Weary World '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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