
Headline, January 13 2019/ '' ' 5G -ICE CREAM FLAVORS- ON ' ''


5G YES 5G - THE HIGH SPEED REVOLUTION coming to you in somewhat slow, slow motion. To fathom this development, let's bench-mark the United States market and delight ourselves.

5-G : THE FIFTH-GENERATION WIRELESS NETWORK that has been the subject of breathless speculation over the past few years.

The new cellular standard, carriers have said, will reduce network congestion and pump out data so fast that smartphone users could download all the ''Avengers'' movies in a few minutes.

It might even eventually help cars drive themselves. 

AT THE CONSUMER ELECTRONIC SHOW in Las Vegas just last week or so, the American carriers insisted that 2020 would be a turning point for 5G.

AT&T and Verizon said they expected their 5G networks to be accessible across the United States this year. In addition, the carriers said at least 15 smartphones would be 5G compatible this year, more than triple the number last year.

Kevin Petersen, a marketing executive for AT&T, said
''2020 is pivotal, because you've got a good foundation built, and the ecosystem starts to form.

So what does that mean?
A major technology shift is under way, which may have an impact on your personal technology in the coming years. And 5G is complex and more confusing than its predecessors.

Here's what the Students of the world, need to know.


In the simplest terms, 5G is a new cellular standard. Phone carriers have jumped to a new wireless standard roughly every decade. About 10 years ago, 4G the fourth-generation network, arrived with significantly faster speeds and stronger reliability than 3G.

About a decade before that, 3G arrived and was much faster and more robust that 2G. You get the picture.

Unfortunately, 5G is more complicated. There are a few flavors of 5G described with deeply technical jargon. To make these easier to swallow, let's rename them using ice-cream flavors.

The much hyped, ultrafast variant of 5G is known as ''millimeter wave,'' but let's call it rocky road. It lets carriers transmit data at incredibly high speeds - the kind that would let you down-load an entire movie in a few seconds.

The problem with rocky road is that its signals travel shorter distances, covering a park New York  but not a broad swath of the city, for example. It also has trouble penetrating obstacles like walls. So Verizon and AT&T have focused the deployment of rocky road in large spaces like sports stadiums and outdoor amphitheaters.

Because of the technical limitations of rocky road, we are unlikely to see it deployed nationwide anytime soon [if ever], meaning we won't be getting these incredible speeds in the vast majority of places.

Instead, this year our cellular network will broadly shift to a version of 5G that is less exciting. Lets call this vanilla 5G.

Vanilla 5G will have speeds that are only slightly faster than current 4G networks. The main benefit will be a reduction of lag known as latency. For example, when you when you search on your phone, the results usually won't load immediately; the load lag can often last hundreds of milliseconds.

In theory, 5G technology will shave this latency down to a few milliseconds. [Rocky road offers low-latency benefits too.]

AT&T and Verizon say their 5G networks, which will be made up of mostly vanilla 5G and small scoops of rock road, should be activated nationwide this year. T-mobile which puts a priority on deploying vanilla 5G over rocky road, said its 5G network was available nationwide last year.

In short, the broad shift to 5G won't be mind-blowing, but you will probably notice a marked improvement.


In some cases, yes. While Wi-Fi is also very fast, it pulls data from a broadband connection, which is susceptible to degraded performance when others nearby are using it.

By design 5G transmits high amounts of data more efficiently, so it is expected to significantly mitigate network congestion. There is a high likelihood that you will get consistently strong, faster connection on 5G.

The Honor and Serving of the latest Global Operational research on 5G, continues. The World Students Society thanks author Brian X.Chen.

With respectful dedication to the Telecommunication Regulators, Network Providers, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world.

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SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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