
Headline November 03 2019/ '' 'NOBODIES* -NOBEL PRIZE- SOMEBODY'S' ''



MARK MY WORDS : History is here, right behind the facade. 

IN THE FULLNESS OF TIME : just ahead, I would be recommending some very great heroes to the  Nobel Committee.for the next Peace Prize.

TO ACCOMPLISH THAT : I would get the students to propose, and for the Founders to consider, and constitute an ''International Committee'' of 7 to 9 members.

The International Committee, shall constitute of some of the greatest humans, and leaders of their respective eras.

The Committee, when duly formed, would then be made available all relevant witnesses and   evidence to analyse, consider and recommend.

This all beholden to the highest practices of Democracy.

FOR ANY FAIR MINDED FOLLOWER: The World Students Society for every subject in the world, invokes an irresistible charm of a growing awe and honors -

AND WITH THAT I stop to  honor these outstanding humans :

Dr. M Jawad Khan, University of California, Umair Nasir, Kings College, Asst Professor M Hammad Khan, UK, Brian Greco, New York University, Fatima Zoha, NUST, 

Dr. Saadia Asif, Educationist, Usman Mahar, Ph.D research student, Germany, Qaiser Cheema, Developer-businessman, Salman Tariq, Colombia University. and brilliant Architect, Nimra Qazi and Sehar Alamgir, LUMS.

''WHAT'S happening?''

I stare blankly at the little box as I try to think of something clever for my first tweet. I settle on what's at the top of my mind : ''My only #fear is being a nobody.''

How could I know this exchange would begin a dialogue that would continue nearly every day for the next nine years of my life?

I began using Twitter in 2010 as newly minted high school freshman. Though it began as a hub for my quirky adolescent thoughts, over the year  it became an archive of my emotional and intellectual voice - a kind if virtual display for the evolution of my politics and artistic identity.

But after nine years, it was time to close the archive. My wanting to share my every waking thought became eclipsed by a desire for an increasingly rare commodity - a private life.

Though I thought disappearing from social media would be as simple as logging off, my refusal to post anything caused a bit of a stir among my small but loyal following. I began to receive emails from strangers asking me where I had gone and when I would return.

One message read : ''Not to be over familiar, but you have come back eventually. You're a writer after all. How will you read your writing?'' Another follower inquired, ''Where will you go?''

The truth is I have not gone anywhere, I am, in fact, more present than ever.

Over time, I have begun to sense these messages reveal more than a lack of respect for privacy. I realize that to many millennnials, a life without a social media presence is not simply a private life; it is no life at all : We possess a widespread, genuine fear of obscurity.

When I consider the near decade I have spent on social media, this worry makes sense. As with many in my generation, Twitter was my entry into conversations happenings on a global scale; long before my byline graced any publication, tweeting was how I felt a part of the world.

Twitter functions much like an echo chamber dependent on likes and retweets, and gaining notoriety is as easy as finding someone to agree with you.

For years I poured my opinions, musings and outrage onto my timeline, believing I held an indispensable place in a vital sociopolitical experiment.

But these passionate, public observations were born more than just a desire to speak my mind - I was  measuring my individual worth in constant visibility. Implicit in my follower's question ''Where will you go?'' Privacy is considered a small exchange for the security of being well known and well liked.

After all, a private life boasts no location markers or story updates. The idea that the happenings of our lives would be constrained to our immediate families, friends and real-life communities is akin to social death in a world measured by followers, views, likes and shares.

The Honor and Serving of the Latest Global Operational Research and Thinking on ''Social Media'', continues. The World Students Society thanks author Bianca Vivion Brooks, for her brilliant work.

With respectful dedication to Social Media, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world.

See Ya all on Facebook, prepare and register for Great Global Elections on The World Students Society : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter - !E-WOW! - the Ecosystem 2011:

''' Students & Stardom '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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