
Headline October 20, 2019/ '' ' INTREPID STUDENTS INTERNET ' ''


THERE ARE AND THERE IS some very good news, for Intrepid : Fearless and adventurous students of the world.

These big tech companies and these very huge giants, are beginning to feel some pressure from The World Students Society

In 2017, the European Union passed the General Data Protection Regulation, which requires companies to explain what data they're collecting - and to offer the option to edit or delete it.

China, India, Japan, Brazil, South Korea and Thailand have passed or are considering similar laws and California's Consumer Privacy Act takes effect on Jan 1.

''Everyone has different concerns,'' wrote Jamie Winterton, a Cybersecurity researcher at Arizona State University. ''Are you worried about private messaging? Government Surveillance? Third-party trackers on the web?''

Addressing each of these concerns, she noted, requires different tools and techniques.

So, covering your tracks on the Internet, here are some more suggestions for protecting your privacy.


Mr. Potischman never registers with a new website using the ''Sign in with Facebook'' or ''Sign up with Google'' shortcut buttons.

They allow those companies to track you on other sites,'' he wrote. Instead he registers the long way, with an email address and password.

[And here's Apple again : The ''Sign in with Apple'' button, new and not yet incorporated by many websites, is designed to offer the same one-click convenience - but, with a promise not to track or profile you,] 


It's perfectly legitimate by the way to enjoy seeing ads that align with your interests. You could argue that they're actually  more useful than irrelevant ones.

But millions of others are creeped out by the tracking that produces those targeted ads.

If you're in that category, Ms. Winterton recommended Ghostery, a free plug-in for most web browsers that that ''blocks the trackers and lists them by category,'' she wrote.

''Some sites have an amazing number of trackers whose only purpose is to record your behavior [sometimes across multiple sites] and pitch better advertisements.''


Most public Wi-Fi networks - in hotels, airports, coffee shops and so on - are eavesdroppable, even if they require a password to connect. Nearby patrons, using their phones or laptops, can easily see everything you're sending or receiving - email and website contents, for example - using free ''sniffer'' programs.

You don't have to worry about Social, WhatsApp and Apple's iMessages, all of which encrypt your messages before they even leave your phone or laptop.

Using websites whose addresses begin with https are also safe; they, too, encrypt their data before it's send to your browser [and vice versa].

[Caution : Even if the site's address begins with https : //. NoseHairBraiding.com. They just can't see what you do there once you're connected.

The solution is recommended by Lauren Taubman and others: a Virtual Private Network program. These phone and computer apps encrypt everything you send or receive - and as a bonus mask your location.

Wirecutters favorite VPN, TunnelBear, is available for Windows, Mac, Android and iOS. It's free for up to 500 megabytes a month, or $60 a year for up to five devices.

Wirecutter is a product recommendation site owned by The New York Times Company.


'' I don't like Apple's phones, their operating systems, or their looks,'' wrote Aaron Soice, ''but the one thing Apple gets right is is valuing your data security. Purely in terms of data, Apple serves you; Google serves you to the sharks.''

Apple's privacy website reveals many examples : You don't sign into Apple Maps or Safari [Apple's web browser], so your searches and trips aren't linked to you. ''Safari's don't track me'' features are turned on as the factory setting.

When you buy something with Apple Pay, Apple receives no information about the item, the store, or the price.

Apple can afford to tout these features, explained the software developer Joel Potischmna, because it's a hardware company.

It's business model depends on us giving them our money. Google and Facebook make their money by selling our info to other people.''

The Honor and Serving of the Latest Global Operational Research on Internet, Security, Privacy and Operational Research, continues.

With respectful dedication to Grandparents, Parents, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world.

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