
"Clean" US Not Responsible For Pollution, Says President Trump

US President Donald Trump says that US has "clean climate" as he explained his understanding of the environment after a lengthy discussion on climate with Prince Charles.

Prince Charles took 90 minutes to convince Mr Trump on climate change in a meeting that the president said was supposed to last 15 minutes.

"He did most of the talking, and he was really into climate change and I think that's great," Mr Trump said of Prince Charles after the meeting in an interview to Piers Morgan on ITV.

"He wants to make sure future generations have climate that is good climate as opposed to a disaster and I agree."

Mr Trump seemed not swayed by the Prince as he blasted the concept of Global Warming.

"I believe that there's a change in weather and I think it changes both ways," said Mr Trump.

"Don't forget, it used to be called global warming, that wasn't working, then it was called climate change, now it's actually called extreme weather because with extreme weather you can't miss," the president said.

"I don't remember tornados in the United States to this extent but then when you look back 40 years ago we had the worst tornado binge we ever had. In the 1890s we had our worst hurricanes."

The president was also reminded that its not US but China, India and Russia that are damaging the environment.

He said: “I did say, ‘Well, the United States right now has among the cleanest climates there are based on all statistics.’ And it’s even getting better because I agree with that we want the best water, the cleanest water. It’s crystal clean, has to be crystal clean clear.”

Trump added: “China, India, Russia, many other nations, they have not very good air, not very good water, and the sense of pollution. If you go to certain cities … you can’t even breathe, and now that air is going up … They don’t do the responsibility.”


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