
Headline May 12, 2019/ " 'STUDENTS -200,000 YEARS- SOLITUDE' "

" 'STUDENTS -200,000 YEARS- 


DESOLATION AND CONSOLATION AND STUDENTS : The World Students Society rises to give a standing ovation to:

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg,.Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Larry Ellison, and hundreds of greatest others, and the present students of America.

And when and where ''Cash is the King'' some of super-power America's best student-sons, produced some of the greatest work, and to a very high degree, in the best servings for mankind.

The World Students Society, could never have sailed  this far, without the super support of the Great Founder Students of America, and the students of the entire world.

AND IN ETERNITY, the students now come together and set about applying their minds, to build  the greatest of apps and servings, and ecosystem, mankind will ever have the privilege to know and acknowledge.

ARMED WITH A CRYSTAL BALL, just on the outskirts of Cambridge where the city fades to field, the headquarters of Arm Holdings, a chip-design firm, is expanding apace.

Its latest new building is long and flat, with a facade adorned with a pattern of metal triangles. These represent the nanometre-seized silicon fins found on the surface of modern transistors.

Once the office block is finished, the firm hopes, its unusual exterior will help inspire the employees on their mission to dream up, transcribe and sell designs for the omnipresent computers of the future. 

Arm Holdings recipes for computer chips - it designs them but does not make any itself - are the most popular on the planet.

Since it was founded in 1990, its corporate customers have sold a whopping 130 billion chips based on its design.

BOOKS CAN BURN, computers get hacked. DVDs degrade.

Technologies to store information - ink  on paper, computers, CDs and DVDs, and even DNA -continues to improve. And yet, threats as simple as water and as complex as cyberattacks can still corrupt our records.

As the data boom continues to boom, more and information gets filed in less and less space. Even the  cloud - whose name promises opaque, endless space - will eventually run out of space, can't thwart all hackers, and gobbles up energy.

Now, a new way to store information could stably house data for millions of years, lives outside the  hackable Internet, and, once written, uses no energy.

All you need is a chemist, some cheap molecules, and your very precious information.

''Think storing the contents of the New York Public Library with a teaspoon of protein,'' says  Brian Cafferty,  first author on the paper that describes the new technique and a postdoctoral scholar in the lab of Whitesides, the Woodford 1, and Ann A Flowers University Professor at Harvard University.

The work was performed in collaboration with  Milan Mrksich and his group at  North-western University.

''At least at this stage, we do not see this method competing with existing methods of data storage,'' Cafferty says. ''We instead see it as complimentary to those technologies and, as initial objective, well suited for long-term archival data storage.''

The Grand Horoscope:
Students and humans have changed dramatically in our 200,000 years of existence. We've gotten taller, we live longer, and we're smarter.

We've built giant cities, domesticated animals and plants, and created and destroyed all ecosystems, except, I hope and pray : The World Students Society : Ecosystem 2011.

So, here are some of the  mind-blowing changes that might happen as Humanity sails on to the Next 1,000 years. ,

We'll Live Somewhere Beyond Earth:
As the world gets warmer due to climate change, food supplies get tighter with a growing population, and people become too genetically similar, it will be absolutely critical to establish settlements beyond Earth, if we want the human race to survive.

Big thinkers like Stephen Hawking, and businessmen like Elon Musk have made it clear that exploring the cosmos and setting up a human settlement on another planet should be high priority right now.

In 1,000 years we'll probably have a thriving thriving civilization on Mars, the Moon, or maybe even another planet beyond the solar system.

We've have already discovered billions and billions of planets outside our own solar system. There are 40 billion Earth-like planets in our own galaxy alone.

Defeating Death:
Tech advances will also mean we'll get better at fighting off diseases and death rates will drop.

Wealthy entrepreneurs like Sergey Brin and Larry Page have already invested in research that is attempting to slow and eventually stop the aging process.

This is potentially a big problem since the growing global population is already straining resources. What will happen if people start regularly living past 100?

One way of solving this problem is uploading our minds to a computer.

We wouldn't require food or most other resources  - all we'd need is a power source and we'd essentially become immortal and only use a small amount of resources.

With respectful dedication to the  Grandparents, Parents, Leaders, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world.

See Ya all  prepare for Great Global Elections and ''register'' on : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter - !E-WOW! - the Ecosystem 2011:

''' The Generation Global '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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