

I have a secret to tell you : You don't need an expensive camera.

I love my big digital camera, huge lenses and all. I love taking photos, too. It's hobby as well as part of my job. But it's a myth that a real camera instantly makes all photos better.

Before you spend money on a new camera, try improving the photos you take with your current camera or phone. You maybe happy enough with the results that you'll skip the new camera completely.

How To Line Up That Perfect Shot:
While there are no rules with photography, there are certainly good practices worth learning.

Try different angles, Dogs, for instance look far cuter if you photograph them from their eye line. Photograph children from that same low point of view, and they'll look hilariously huge.

Adults generally look better with camera positioned slightly above them. Looking at a camera puffs out the chin and neck, and no one looks good like that.

Try different distances and positioning. Instead of capturing your family with Big Ben far in the background, you'll have a more interesting shit with the clock tower close behind or towering above them.

Photographs with people especially benefit from being close to the camera.

When outside, try to shoot with the sun behind you, as the light will be better. As for timing, the best light is the hour after sunrise and the hour before the sunset, the so-called golden hour.

Want to get that epic photo of your partner on the beach in Fiji? That's probably the best time to take it. The worst will be midday, with the strong light coming from directly above.

Also, turn off the flash. Use it only if you absolutely have to.

How to Make Your Photos Shine :
Next, you should fill your photography toolbox with free photo editing apps and software, Like  Adobe's Photoshop Express. Google's Snapseed and even the manual adjustments in  Instagram. They all allow you to easily change the look of a photo, often dramatically.

Yes, there are stock filters everyone uses on their photos, but play with the toggles and see what each  setting does. It may seem daunting at first, but basic adjustments are easy and make a big difference.

Don't Be Afraid To Experiment:
For every amazing image a professional photographer takes, there will be hundreds of images that are terrible and never see the light of the day. Like everything this takes practice and experimentation to see what works

The World Students Society thanks author Geoffrey Morrison.


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