
Headline April 05, 2018/ '' 'STUDENTS BLESSED SUPREME' ''



But what we have to master, on The World Students Society is how to go about ''Mastering Imperfections''

The world has started to recognize - that the students, what a force they are to be reckoned with............a generation that wants to make things better and who does not really see their age as barrier.''

Gun control, climate : a new US generation takes to the barricades...... 

THE GREAT STUDENTS OF AMERICA - have the first honour to give voice and freedom to the entire world

AT THE FIRST CONCEPTUAL HOST : The Students of Proud Pakistan are ready to begin the 1.0  of the Global Election Honours.

All time bases for events, observations, and results need to be large and wide, and in some cases open So : ''Ready-When-You are!''

EVERY STUDENT OF THE WORLD - CLASS THREE ON-WARDS will be allowed to vote.  The  point is to honor Almighty God's Little Angels into thinking and admiring the responsibility and  spectacle of Life.

But only students 13 and above, - during the period of Voting - will have their votes counted to elect their Representative.

And with that we get to baseline and begin the Masterly Process of ''Evolution of Democracy - Voting - Systems''. In the future elections every Grandparent, every Parent will be honored with a  permission to Vote.

It is very important, to not only Honour them, but to understand their leanings and their appreciation and criticism of The World Students Society. Of course, their votes and results will help shape future policies.

On the State of the World, Pakistan and India looked very closely at their Nuclear Options.

US President Donald Trump handed North Korean leader Kim Jong Un a piece of paper that  included a blunt call for the transfer of Pyongyang's nuclear weapons and bomb fuel to the United States, according to the document seen by Reuters.

In Afghanistan the Vice President survives Taliban attack, and in Rabat the Pope says, ''Physical barriers won't solve migration issue.

In Kiev - Clown or Candidate? Ukrainian Presidential favorite keeps audience guessing ever, and again.

In the United States, David Hogg is a leading campaigner for gun control, while in Europe, Greta Thunberg fights to defend the climate.

Concurrently, Engineer Shahzaib Khan Yusufzai, US, and his genius team, ponder their options to begin the masterly process of taking the students of the world,  through an election process, based on evolution.

These young heroes can quickly assemble videos that are ''almost movie quality stuff,'' said Abrams, who is 30. ''This generation knows how to do that and and convey these stories really effectively.''

Without social media, says Hogg, who has 950,000 Twitter followers - the Parkland students could still have organized their protests ''but not nearly to the scale that we did.''

But even if social media makes it easy to attract attention or draw followers, they offer no guarantee that this young generation can effect real change, Abrams emphasized.

''The big question always can they sustain a movement?'' ''Social change,'' he added ''it is slow, it takes years''.

With college students coming and going - and graduating - Abrams say he has seen many student movements burst into the scene, and then lose steam and fade away.

Nineteen-year-old Zanagee Artis, who last year co-founded the Zero Hour coalition for climate and environmental justice, admits that after months of intensive activism, he-

He shed most of his leadership responsibilities after starting his studies in political science and the environment at Brown University.

''Older youths like me,'' he told AFP, ' 'we are going to be more busy and will have less time'' for activism.

''But I don't have any doubt that Zero Hour will be able to continue,'' he said. ''With the rise of social media, we are able to connect with a lot more youths than before.''

David Hogg said that after taking a ''gap year'' to travel across the country, he is ready to ease off on the gas as he heads to Harvard University.

''I'll be less involved, but we'll be just as effective,'' he said. ''There are many other people involved, and we have a movement that's growing stronger every day.''

Hogg said he is quiet aware that change on a subject as sensitive as US gun control could take years. ''It might take a while,'' he said. ''It might take kids running for Congress who are not old enough yet.

With respectful dedication to the Leaders, Grandparents, Parents, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world.

See Ya all prepare for Great Global Elections and ''register'' on The World Students Society : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter- !E-WOW! - the Ecosystem 2011:

''' Leaders & Longings '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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