

!LEAVE NO One Behind!....................

RECENT DATA BY UNESCO shows that 124 million children and adolescents are out-of-school  worldwide. In South and West Asia, 80% of out-of-school girls are unlikely to start schooling compared to just 16% for boys.

The factual degree of any policy's success is the extent to which it benefits, the most marginalised.

EDUCATION is a fundamental human right and holds the potential to become one of the most powerful ingredients for the development in the years ahead;

Facilitating as a connection from poverty to prosperity, from exclusion to participation, from division to understanding.

Improved and quality education, is associated with many positive developments, including fewer child-marriages, lower deaths rates among children under the age of five and mothers during childbirth more effective.

HIV preventive measures, higher level wages, and better economic growth. The challenges we are facing worldwide, grew more alarming than ever, more and better quality education will be the key to challenging them all.

Now as the world is aware to gather around a set of goals to improve lives and protect the planet, we must work together to achieve these goals.

It is imperative that the Developing World may also consider implementing  SDG-4 to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong leaning opportunities where no one is left behind.

It further lays the basis for a truly transformational approach to education, that is holistic, ambitious and aspirational

In Pakistan, for example, the provision of quality education is the constitutional obligation of the state in accordance with Article 25-A. The Government has partially succeeded in providing access to quality education to the school-age children of both public and private sector schools. 

But the goal of providing quality education is to transmit not only the basics, but also the skills and values to make our societies more equitable, resilient, and inclusive.

To achieve the maximum impact, educational  initiatives must leave no one behind that includes not the poor or disadvantaged, and not girls, who have all too often paid a high price for trying to get an education.

Recent data by UNESCO shows that 124 million children and adolescents are out-of-school worldwide.

The Honor and Serving of the latest global operational research on Education continues. The World Students Society thanks author, researcher and education consultant Huma Mir.


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