
Headline March 31, 2018/ '' 'POPULATION? !DISASTER! POLLUTION?' ''



RABO - SHAHZAIB-  DEE-. Haleema, Saima, Sarah, Zilli, Salar, Jordan, Zainab, Zaeem, Hussain, Seher, Junaid, Danyial, Reza, Vishnu. Dantini...........

Sanan, Haider. Aqsa, Michael, Bilal, Hannyia, Maria, Lakshmi, Ghazi, Nina, Maynah..............

HOW is !WOW!'s preparation for some effective, sizzling, permanent, and timely global protests?.

O'' LEADERS!...... THE WORLD STUDENTS SOCIETY WARNS YOU ALL AND we do it with greatest of respect,..... that you all,.......

Every single one of you, needs to be clearly thinking of our health and climate by looking at a fair transition out of fossil fuels while telling us clearly the level of our air quality, so that steps can be taken to tackle this health and climate crisis.

ACCORDING TO A NEWLY LAUNCHED report entitled : ''World's Most Polluted Cities 2018'',  India accounts for seven of the world's 10 cities with the worst air pollution....................

WE CAUSE AIR POLLUTION directly through our use of fossil fuel based energy. We also cause air pollution indirectly when we buy goods and services that use energy in their production and delivery.

Meanwhile,  previously smog bound Chinese cities have seen a marked improvement. The report also revealed that 22 of the top 30 most polluted cities in the world are in India.

Gurugram, a northern Indian city in the state of Haryana, is the world's most polluted city, while  New Delhi, the country's capital, is ranked eleventh worst globally.

According to the United Nations [UN] recent estimates, 55 percent of the global population lives in urban areas - a figure that is projected to rise to 68 percent by 2050. With a few exceptions, cities are expected to become a become a bigger and more numerous.

OVER the past 30 years, the world's urban population has risen from 1.6  Billion to 3.9 Billion .

In the next 20 years, it is to surpass 6 billion with most of the area of growth now taking place in cities and developing countries, particularly those in Africa..

Growing migration to cities in most regions is set to be one of the defining shift taking place for the rest of the century.

If managed successfully, accommodating this vast influx of people has the potential to generate huge growth and stimulate an expanding middle class, enjoying better living standards; but getting it wrong will set the scene for worsening pollution, urban sprawl and congestion.

The problem is particularly pronounced in South Asia, eighteen of the world's top 20 most polluted cities are in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, including the major population centres of Lahore, Delhi and Dhaka, which were placed tenth, eleventh and seventeen respectively last year.

China struggled for years to enforce environmental rules and crack down on the polluting industries, but it has benefited recently from vastly improved legislation and greater political will to combat poor air quality.

The question which remains to be answered is whether there is enough political will to aggressively  fight the health emergency South Asia faces today and move from polluting fuels and practices.

It is important to know that air pollution steals our livelihoods and our futures. In addition to human lives lost there's an estimated global cost of $225 billion in lost labour, and trillion in medical costs. This has enormous impacts, on our health and our wallets.

What is clear is that  the common culprit across the globe is the burning of fossil fuels. The situation is worsening by the cutting down of our forests.

The World Students Society thanks author and researcher Mansoor Qaiser.

With respectful dedication to the Leaders, Grandparents, Parents, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world.

See Ya all prepare for ''Great Global Elections'' and ''register'' on The World Students Society and Twitter - !E-WOW! - the Ecosystem 2011:

''' Romps & Ropes '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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