

''DANCE, when you are broken open. Dance, if you have torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you are perfectly free,'' Philosopher Rumi said and delighted.

Dancing as a type of physical work out for the elderly has been studied, but in most of Asia dancing has not been thoroughly investigated.

This popular cultural and social activity can contribute to the life of older adults in a variety of ways. The purpose of this article is to identify the ways in which social dancing can contribute to the  well-being of seniors.

Dancing has been shown to improve aerobic capacities, muscular endurance and strength, flexibility of the lower body, balance and agility, and gait speed of the elderly.

These attributes are essential elements of physical functioning and improvements aspects could increase quality of life for the elderly.

Neuroscientists have recently revealed that the number one exercise for slowing down the aging process is dance.

Dance has been shown to improve balance, agility and muscle strength whilst improving mood and cognitive function. Dance can be social, fun and engaging and therefore stimulate new friendships and contribute to a reduction in social isolation and loneliness.

Old age is  great time to sit back and enjoy your life. Enjoying your life is an important to healthy aging. Your hearts are still very young. Stay blessed.

The World Students Society thanks author PhD Student Mohsin Ullah.


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