PAKISTAN: NUST to give out Rs 12.5 million to benefit needy students....
In a ceremony held at the National University of Science & Technology [NUST] earlier this week, Bestway Foundation and NUST Trust Fund [NTF] signed an agreement to-
To establish Bestway Scholarship Endowment Fund of Rs 12.5 million for the benefit of financially challenged students enrolled in the university's undergraduate programmes.
These scholarships will given to five student beneficiaries, primarily covering their fee expenses every year.
Speaking on the occasion, Bestway Cement Limited Chief Financial Officer said :
''Higher education is essential for building a strong and vibrant society, whereas many talented and well deserving youth is unable to continue their education due to lack of sufficient financial resources.
Bestway Foundation, in keeping with its resolve to support the deserving students, decided to set up an endowment fund with NUST to provide financial assistance to the students applying:
In undergraduate degree programme in either of the disciplines of Environmental Engineering, Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering,''
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