

THE BALTIC COUNTRY of two million has been beset by corruption and money-laundering scandals and dissatisfied Latvians, who voted in October, rejected a right-of-centre ruling coalition, turning to three other parties.

LATAVIA'S president nominated Janis Bordans of the New Conservative Party as prime minister on Wednesday and the lawyer immediately pledged to form a government that would fight corruption and seek to restore faith in the rule of law

Thee central bank governor is awaiting trial on charges of accepting a bribe and one of the biggest banks, ABLV, went into liquidation this year after US authorities accused it if laundering vast sums of money for people from the former Soviet Union.

''The rule of law will not be just for sake of it, but to enable the government to work, effectively and allow for a truly free market economy to prosper in Latavia,'' Bordans, a former justice minister, told reporters on Wednesday after President Raimonds Vejonis invited him to form a government.

''Latvian society, including those on low incomes, should feel the consequences of the economic growth very positively,'' he said.

Bordans and his party ran on an anti-corruption agenda in October and took 13.6 percent of the votes. [Agencies].


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