WITH ALMIGHTY GOD'S BLESSINGS - in the very close years ahead, students will have the rare honor and delight to take part in :
Digital War games : Just like Football. Just like Tennis. Just like Cricket Just like Golf. Just like Bridge. That should get great, Zilli, to smile.
ONLY then, only then will true innovation, invention, security, systems and the road ahead emerge and light up. The future of the entire planet belongs to the Students of the World.
Rethinking Cyber Security and we return to reconcile the ground realities of Proud Pakistan's total optima on ''As is and Where is'' basis with a parting advice :
''Best brace up for worst attacks that are in the offing and to come''.And mark my words, ''only the skilled students could design the great cyber shelters and defenses''.
ONLY about 15 percent of Pakistan's adult population has an active bank account. The natural disadvantage of this is that -
Once people start to save too much in cash this hinders the creation of money which in turn can be transformed into credit. This of course also has implications for future investment in the country.
As the central bank moves towards its ambition of allowing a separate category i.e. ''Digital Banks'' to come into the market, it is equally important to have a greater understanding of :
a / what to regulate and how and
b/ how to allow a more 'connected consumer' the confidence to participate in electronic transactions in a secure manner.
This is important as the banking sector and telecom industry wishes to promote mobile commerce through almost 140 million subscribers out of which approximately 40 million are 3G/4G users.
These numbers are set to rise as the turnover of smart phones in the country continue to be on the uptick.
The experts associated with FinTechs - startups which aim to use technology to provide innovative financial services - also inform of issues beyond an unfavorable regulatory environment and -
Are particularly concerned about lack of systems that bring about greater data security, threats to intellectual property, difficulty of licensing, weak access to license holders and uncertain tax regime.
All of these problems get accentuated by the weak redressal provided to those who are already victims of cyber-attacks in Pakistan........... More reliable online security mechanisms could also promote greater collaborations between the scheduled banking sector and FinTechs.
However, it is the public sector which will have to share the costs of getting in relatively more reliable security systems.
In responding to cyber attacks, which potentially target an entire sector as such, coordination across agencies, affected institutions, law enforcement and international actors is a key to the required solution.
While global in nature, this has to be led nationally in response to incidents. Indeed, the quality of state's capacity to respond to cyber attacks is rapidly being recognised as an important element of global competitiveness.
Such coordination could could then be broken down to a number of steps.
First, ensuring that the first line of defence is invoked. These include traditional measures of incident response to curtail the impact of the attack and prevent propagation across connected networks.
The security industry has established standards around immediate measures to disable and deescalate such situations.
Secondly, for banking in particular, ensure that the client base and the wider public are reassured to avoid panic and confusion.
This also has the secondary, but equally important, effect of calming stock markets and investors against any unwarranted reactions
Finally, forensic audits and legal instruments deployed to coordinate collection of evidence and coordinate with domestic and international actors to help detect actors.
Some of this may even require some diplomatic support and longer-term measures for transnational coordination.
This has been recognized by world leaders as a necessary measure to avoid the risk of crippling economies.
With respectful dedication to the Leaders, Hackers, Dark Web Masters, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world See Ya all prepare for global elections and ''register'' on : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter - !E-WOW! - the Ecosystem 2011:
''' Functionally Famous '''
Good Night and God Bless
SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless
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