MOON EXPRESS : The World Students Society...............
Chief Executive : Robert D Richards has a business plan, ''to expand Earth's economic sphere to the Moon and beyond'' ......and he is very far from the only entrepreneur looking business opportunities beyond our planet
NOVEMBER 2017 : FROM LAUNCH COMPLEX 17 here at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, many of NASA's robotic planetary missions blasted off.
Soon, the two huge towers that once cradled Delta 2 rockets will be torn down A new tenant - Moon Express, a tiny company with far out ambitions - began moving in.
2018 / 2019 : The company, with just 30 employees, aims to be the first private entity to put a small robotic lander on the moon
It is investing at least a $1,85 million to renovate decades-old building here. The company is transforming a parking lot into miniature moonscape and will set up engineering laboratory, a mission operations room and a test stand for spacecraft engine firings.
Its second spacecraft aims to land in 2019 near the Moon's south pole. A third, larger spacecraft in 2020 is to gather samples and then bring them back to Earth, the first haul of Moon rocks since the end of the Apollo missions 45 years ago.
But these plans almost came to a halt a couple of years ago - not because of technological challenges or financial shortfalls, but because of an international agreement known as the Outer Space Treaty, which will have its 50th anniversary last year.
The treaty spells out what countries are and are not allowed to do in space. Its crowning achievement was stopping the nuclear arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union form expanding into space.
But the agreement may now be getting in the way of entrepreneurs with plans to push farther and faster into space than national agencies like NASA.
''Before it was something really, really hypothetical,'' said Fabio Tronchetti, a law professor at Harbin Institute of Technology in China. ''But now there are groups that are really serious. It changes everything.''
Robert D. Richards, Moon Express's chief executive whose business plan is ''to expand Earth's economic sphere to the Moon and beyond'' - is far from the only entrepreneur looking business opportunities beyond our planet.
Elon Musk, the billionaire founder of SpaceX, boldly proclaims that his company will begin sending colonists to Mars in a decade.
Jeffrey P. Bezos, the founder of Amazon is using part of his fortune to finance his rocket company, Blue Origin, and predicts millions of people will be living and working in space.
These companies raise questions addressed only fuzzily by the Outer Space Treaty.
What are private companies allowed to do in space?
Can a company mine the Moon or the asteroid and then and then sell what it has pulled out? How are countries to regulate these businesses?
Internationally, countries have been discussing how to answer these questions. In the United States, Congress has begun tackling regulatory issues.
Some warn that if the United States does not set up business-friendly policies and policies, then the start-ups could move elsewhere - including such seemingly unlikely places as Luxembourg.
The Honor and Serving of the Operational Research on Space, Resources and Treaties continues. The World Students Society thanks author and researcher Kenneth Chang.
With respectful dedication to all the Start-Ups for the Moon, NASA, All Space Agencies of the world, and then Students, Professors and Teachers of the world......
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