!WOW! ' ''
WHAT 3 WORDS + 2 SIGNS = has set about to totally revolutioinse the way the world collaborates in peace, harmony and prosperity?.
The World Students Society is one great example of how the students of the world, the future leaders of Mother Earth, go about collaborating to unleash a force of greatest good in the world
Connecting the entire planet, billions by billions of people with just 3 world and two characters : !WOW!
And with that we turn to find out why the world is backsliding in its perceptions and even reality on the the world's Social Media Giants.....
As Professor Weizenbaum feared, the current tech leaders have discovered that people trust computers and have licked their lips at the possibilities.
The example of Silicon Valley manipulations are too legion to list : push notifications, surge pricing, recommended friends, suggested films, people who bought this also bought that.
Early on, Facebook realized there was a hurdle to getting people to stay logged on. ''We came upon this magic number that you needed to find 10 friends,'' Mr. Zuckerberg recalled in 2011.
''And once you had 10 friends, you had enough content in your newsfeed that there would just be stuff on a good enough interval where it would be worth coming back to the site.''
Facebook would design its site for new arrivals so that it was all about finding people to ''friend''.
The 10 friends rule is an example of a favored manipulation of tech companies, the network effect. People will use your service - as lame as it may be - if others use your service. This was tautological reasoning that nonetheless proved true.
If everyone is on Facebook, then everyone is on Facebook. You need to do whatever it takes people logging in, and if rivals emerge, they must be crushed or, if stubbornly resilient, acquired.
Growth becomes the overriding motivation - something treasured for its own sake, not for anything it brings to the world. Facebook and Google can point to a greater utility that comes from being the central repository of all people, all information, but such market dominance has obvious drawbacks, and not just the lack of competition.
As we've seen, the extreme concentration of wealth and power is a threat to our democracy by making some people and companies unaccountable.
In addition to their power, tech companies have a tool that other powerful industries don't : the generally benign feelings of the public.
To oppose Silicon Valley can appear to be opposing progress, even if progress has been defined as online monopolies; propaganda that distorts elections; driverless cars and trucks that threaten to erase the jobs of millions of people; the Uberization of work life, where each of us must fend for ourselves by a pitiless market.
As is becoming obvious, these companies do not deserve the benefit of the doubt. We need greater regulation, even if it impedes the introduction of new services. If we can't stop their proposals -if we can't say that driverless cars may not be a worthy goal, to give just one example - then are we in control of our society?
We need to break up these online monopolies because if a few people make the decisions about how we communicate, shop learn the news, again, do we control our own society?
Out of curiosity, the other day I searched ''cellphones'' on Google. Before finding even a mildly questioning article about cellphones, I paged down through ads for phones and lists of phones for sale, guides to buying phone and maps with direction to stores that cell phones, some 20 results in total.
Somewhere, a pair idealistic former graduate students must be saying : ''See! I told you so!''
With respectful dedication to the Students, Professors and Teachers of the world. See Ya all prepare for Global Elections and ''register'' on :
wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter -!E-WOW! - the Ecosystem 2011:
''' Security& Complexity '''
Good Night and God Bless
SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless
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