''YOU - THE HEROIC STUDENTS OF THE WORLD'' : The World Students Society is your exclusive ownership - of every single students in the world : One Share- Piece- Peace.
In the beautiful years ahead, great students : Merium, Rabo, Haleema, Saima, Sarah, Malala/Oxford , Eman/LUMS, Armeen/LUMS, Aqsa, Lakshmi/India
Lawyer Zainab/King s College, Seher/Kings College, Dantini/Malaysia, Juniper/ Japan, Maynah, Maria, Harem, Hannyia Merium. And-
Technologist Hussain, Technologist Shahzaib, Bilal, Jordan, Salar, Danyial/UK, Vishnu/India, Ali/UAE, Ali Hassan, Wajahat/Scotland, Reza/Canada, Zaeem, Haider/FAST, Hazeem will publish a feature titled :
''Why the World Loves to Love !WOW! AND what can The World Students do about it, : To honor it and how to build a better world with it.''
I will get SIX world class Thinkers and Humans to edit it for you :
Dr. Masud Reza/ MS/UK, PhD/US, Dr Saadia Asif/LUMS/Exeter, Dr. M Jawaid Khan/Aitcheson/ Kings College/ University of Virginia, and now University of California, Chartered Accountant Wadood Mughal/ Singapore/ CEO 'Better World Networks' and Imran Khan/ Chartered Accountant/ MBA Dublin/Global Head of Capital & Money Markets.....
How then is Social Media transforming the world?...........
BY ALL ACCOUNTS , these programmers turned entrepreneurs believed their lofty words and were at first indifferent to getting rich from their ideas.
A 1998 paper by Sergey Brin and Larry Page, then computer-science graduate students at Stanford, stressed the social benefits of the new search engine, Google, which would be open to the scrutiny of other researchers and would be advertising-driven.
The public need to be assured that searches were uncorrupted, that no one had put his finger on the scale for business reasons.
To illustrate their point, Mr. Brin and Mr. Page boasted of the purity of their search engine's result for the query ''cellular phone''; near the top was a study explaining the danger of driving while on the phone.
The Google prototype was still ad-free, but what about the others, which took ads? Mr. Brin and Mr. Page had their doubts : ''We expect that advertising-funded search engines will be inherently biased towards the advertisers and away from the need of the consumers.''
There was a crucial need for ''a competitive search engine that is transparent and in the academic realm,'' and Google was set to be that ivory tower Internet tool. Until, that is, Mr. Brin and Mr. Page were swept by the entrepreneurism pervasive to Stanford-
A meeting with a professor led to a meeting with an investor, who wrote a $100,000 check before Google was even a company.
In 1999, Google announced a $25 million investment of venture capital while insisting nothing had changed.
When Mr. Brin was asked by reporters how Google planned to make money, he replied, ''Our goal is to maximize the search experience, not maximizing the the revenues from search.''
Mark Zuckerberg took a similar tack back in the early days of Facebook. A social network was too important to sully with commerce, he told The Harvard Crimson in 2004. ''I mean, yeah, we can make a bunch of money - that's not the goal,'' he said of his social network, then still called the facebook.com.
''Anyone from Harvard can get a job and make a bunch of money. Not everyone at Harvard can have a social network. I value that more as a resource more than, like, any money.''
Mr. Zuckerberg insisted he wouldn't give in to the profit seekers; Facebook would stay true to the mission of connecting the world.
Seven years later, Mr. Zuckerberg, too, has succumbed to Silicon Valley venture capital, but he seemed to regret it.
''If I were starting now,'' he told an interviewer in 2011, ''I would have stayed in Boston, I think,'' before adding :
''There are aspects of the culture out here where I still think it still is a little bit short-term focused in a way that bothers me. You know, whether it's like people who want to start companies to start a company, not knowing what they like, I don't know, to, like, flip it.''
Ultimately however, the founders of Google and Facebook faced a day of reckoning. Investors had not signed on for a charity, and they demanded accountability.
With respectful dedication to the Leaders, Grandparents, Parents, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world.
See Ya all prepare relentlessly and ''register'' for Global Elections on The World Students Society : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter - !E-WOW! - the Ecosystem 2011:
''' Transitions & Triumphs '''
Good Night and God Bless
SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless
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