POSTS AND DISCUSSIONS on social media posts demonstrate that stupidity and bigotry is not only widespread, but -
*But is actively propagated and projected as 'truth' and 'untold facts'*. Is Knowledge on the decline?
IN PROUD PAKISTAN - a classic business man told me how he hired a recent university graduate who, quiet astonishingly-
Didn't even have a grasp on basic English [let alone tenses and grammar]. He couldn't even write the proper spelling of common words like check, president, and observe.
A few years ago, one of my elderly family friends got admitted in the ''intensive care unit of a hospital due to aspiration pneumonia [after suffering from stroke].
Being a medical student at the time, I explained to her grandsons, that she was unable to swallow properly, her saliva was dribbling down in her airways and collecting in her lungs.
During this grievous and anxious situation, a question by one of her grandson struck me absurd, especially considering that he was about to complete O' Levels from a fairly reputable institute. The question was :
''Talha Bhai, we have two lungs, right?''
While still in utter surprise, I forwarded this question towards his cousin, an engineering student, who correctly answered: : ''Yes, indeed, we have two lungs!''
Expressing some level of relief, I remarked, ''So at least you know it!'' at which, he threw yet another shocker, ''Yes, I saw two lungs on a cough syrup!'' he admitted, while goggling.
They both put forth a common excuse for their ignorance -'' We are not biology students''.
While initially I tried to view these personal incidents as ''outliers'', my 'optimism' has been met with harsh realities. Numerous such encounters kept occurring with various people in Pakistan, apart from online conversations with the overseas Pakistanis and foreigners.
An ''in-trend'' thing?
A NUMBER OF SCHOOL, COLLEGE and university level teachers have raised concerns over a trend wherein the students suffice on ''exam orientated studies which secure them good scores/grades at the board and university exams-
However, many times, this methodology keeps them deprived of the 'real grasp of the subjects.'
Of course, awareness regarding other subjects and general knowledge will much less expected from such students.
Along similar lines, numerous professional recruiters have expressed concern over the deteriorating skills and knowledge among the people they are hiring. Dr. A Khattak, a Pediatrician and Professor at a renowned private hospital echoed similar concerns :
''Is Pakistan facing an epidemic of incompetence in many major professional arenas?
Dr. Naheed Sheikh, a Professor of Community Health Sciences, also shared relatable concerns, ''Professional obsolescence is a burning issue nowadays. It's a good topic to explore in depth''.
This trend, however, is not exclusively witnessed in Pakistan.
United States being the most powerful and influential nation, is widely seen as the 'role model' by most countries in the world. However, many Americans are now expressing their frustration over the ''rise of stupidity'' in their nation.
An American writer. Alan Carson, lamented about his in an article :
''America is suffering from a dangerous knowledge deficit in the following words :
''The country is drowning in a rising tide of stupidity. It represents a far greater threat to our future than a thousand Islamic State cells or all the nuclear missiles aimed at us from Russia.
The Stupid Movement has been on the rise in America since the mid-1950s. But it is now becoming a mainstream force in our society.''
The Honor and Serving of the latest Operational Research on the State of the World continues. The World Students Society thanks author and researcher Dr. Syed T Shah.
With respectful dedication to the Grandparents, Parents, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world. See Ya all prepare and ''register'' on : wssciw.blogspot.com - The World Students Society for every subject in the world and -
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