THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION is very correct that all nations should eliminate the use of these harmful oils in food.
Most of the American food industry stopped using artificial trans fats, a leading cause of heart disease and death globally, well in advance of a federal ban.
And few consumers noticed the change in their French fries or doughnuts. But these fats are still commonly used in the Middle East, India and Pakistan and elsewhere, which is why it is welcome news the WHO is calling on countries to phase them out by 2023.
Trans fats are responsible for about 540,000 deaths around the world ever year - deaths that could be avoided if countries banned the use of industrially produced hydrogenated oils, which can be replaced with healthier options like vegetable oil.
Businesses ranging from large processed-food manufacturers to mom-and-pop restaurants and bakeries using trans fats - usually for frying and as shortening in baked goods - because they are inexpensive and have a log shelf-life.
But regular consumption of even a small amount of these oils increases the amount of what is commonly referred to as bad cholesterol, LDL, in the blood while reducing so called good cholesterol, or HDL.
Experts say removing the additives from foods, is one of the easiest and most straightforward ways to reduce the prevalence of heart diseases and the deaths related to it.
That's why the W.H.O also has urged countries to issue nutritional guidelines that advise people to avoid using trans fats.
But its not always easy for consumers to know when they are eating these oils, which are often in packaged or prepared foods that are not clearly labeled.
Trans fats that are a silent killer that many people are not aware of it and can easily live without .
Banning them should be an easy call for nations around the world, and the W.H.O is right to push them to do so.
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