

WE ARE the generation of the 21st Century and the focal point of this century is technology.

Technology has grown its way in our lives in such a way that now, removing it would be like removing oxygen from earth - we all would simply perish.

Technology may have negative aspects for every coin has two faces but let's focus only on its one face - the face shining in positive light on all of us.

One of the benefits of technology is that it has allowed us to save time. Before the development of  Google, students had to consult books in the libraries.

Where they would be lost amidst rows and rows of books, taking hours to explore the books required and further more hours to reach the point containing the appropriate information for their work.

Now, thanks to the Internet, it takes us mere minutes to type in exactly what we require and obtain sufficient amount of knowledge.

It also brings all the important sources to one place - keeping them just one click away.

Looking at it from a students perspective, technology also saves our money. While first, to read a book either for school or lecture, we had to buy it from a book store.

Now we can read the same very book for free online or for a cost multiple times less than its hardcopy price. Reading via a device is not only cost beneficial but also an efficient way to space [a solution to a very serious problem a vivid reader face].

Another very important benefit of technology........ is the ease in communication it has caused.

Telephone and cell phones keep us in contact with our loved ones no matter how far they are.

We can not only talk and message but even see them via Video Calls, which is as good as being there with them [as long as they have good WiFi connections].

For the students/youth, technology has come up with numerous apps on phones to keep us engaged, to spend our free time in a fun and pleasurable way and to socialize without actually talking.

And that is a huge advantage for introverts.

With many thanks to Fizzah Jalal, the post continues to Part 2.


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