

By: Zainab

Getting The Most Of Art Galleries :  Are You?

Whether you're vacationing in a big city or a small town, checking out the local art galleries makes for an enjoyable day, said Natasha Schlesinger, the art historian who created-

ArtMuse Discover Galleries, an app that guides users through New York City's more than 1,000 art galleries.

''So many places around the world have a gallery scene that's either burgeoning or established, and visiting these galleries is a chance to see more high quality art and get a pulse on local art trends,'' she said.

Have a list : Some cities are home to several hundred art galleries, so having an edited list of the ones you want to visit is essential.

Hit Different Neighborhoods : In large cities, art galleries are often concentrated to the style of art they exhibit, Ms Schlesinger suggests hitting a few areas so that you get a broad perspective.

Ten Galleries is The Limit : A day of gallery hopping should include visits to no more than that.

Have A Viewing Strategy : when you arrive at a gallery, take a news release and a checklist of the exhibited works: Ms. Schlesinger says that are both generally available at the front desk.


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