UNLESS THE UNIVERSITIES -AND THE STUDENTS the world over, stand tall, grasp and become the hub of generating new ideas-
And promote- a culture of tolerance, - the world at large, cannot march forward on the path of progress and prosperity. For its only, and only, and only an education, that can help change, along with many other things, all the needed transformation........ of attitudes.
True Education - one that is great and well rounded education, only and alone, can make us more understanding, compassionate, generous, and sacrificing.
This holds just so true for the first historic conceptual host and trustee, of the World Students Society, Pakistan......
This holds true for every single country in the world. This Young and Present generation is the future of the world. But we must do everything to understand the linkage between academia, industry, vocational training institutions, through a well thought out strategy.
For without that understanding, all efforts would be in vain. All could be lost. And having discerned that, we turn and look at technology, science and the forward march. Just when-
*A Scientist gets the green light to edit the human genome*:
IT WOULD HARDLY BE HYPERBOLIC to say that inside a non-descript office in London -just so recently- a small group of- Scientists and patient advocates made a decision that could potentially change the future of humanity.
Since 2012, scientists have been experimenting with CRISPR-Cas9, a powerful tool that works like an editor for DNA -allowing them to find and correct mutations that can lead to deadly diseases. Now, the first time, a researcher has the green light to test this tool on viable embryos.
Kathy Niakan is expected to start trials in London at the Francis Crick Institute -known as Crick -within the next several months.
Scientists have manipulated the genomes of many animal species, but no sanctioned studies on human embryos have been done using CRISPR.
Last year, to the horror of some scientists and ethicists, Chinese researchers reported that they had experimented on human embryos, prompting calls for a temporary worldwide moratorium on the use of CRISPR on so-called germline cells -those from human embryos, eggs or sperm.
That's because unlike other gene-editing techniques, which can be clunky to use, CRISPR is precise, efficient, affordable and, perhaps most concerning to some, easy to use.
That's what makes the this Feb 1 decision, issued by the U.K.'s Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), so precedent-setting. It's also what makes it so controversial.
Depending on whom you ask, CRISPR can be cast as a medical miracle with the potential to help cure diseases like sickle-cell anemia, Alzheimer's and even cancer -or a science-fiction nightmare waiting to happen.
For her part, Niakan is treading carefully. She ultimately hope her research will shed light on what makes a healthy embryo, which could lead to information that could help prevent miscarriages and improve fertility.
''We want to understand the biology of how to make a successful embryo,'' says scientist Kathy Niakan.
''Now we have a really efficient method that allows us to very precise and specific alterations to the DNA sequence. That allows us to ask questions about the functions of genes, and which are required for a healthy development.''
Because the research is focused on the earliest stage of development , the embryos will be destroyed after seven days [which in itself is an aspect of this work that makes some people uncomfortable].
The fact that CRISPR allows scientists to permanently change the human genome of embryos makes some scientist nervous.
''I do not think we are ready to edit human embryos yet,'' says J Craig Venter, who co-mapped the Human Genome.
''We have little or no knowledge of how changing the genetic code will effect development. Only a small percentage of genes are well understood.
For most, we have little or no no clue as to their role.''
The Honour and Serving of the latest Operational Research on ''Life and Science'' continues. Thank You all for reading and sharing forward, and see you on the following one:
With respectful dedication to the Students, Professors and Teachers of the world. See`Ya all on !WOW! -the World Students Society and the Ecosystem 2011:
''' Courageous Work '''
Good Night and God Bless
SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless
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