
Headline July 25, 2014



2015 '''


Editor in Chief                                                 Associate Editor in Chief
Whole-Wide-World                                         Science & Technology                                      

Associate Editor in Chief                                  Associate Editor in Chief
Perspectives                                                    Best Practices               

Associate Editor in Chief                                  Associate Editor in Chief
Research Features                                           Advertising

Associate Editor in Chief                                  Associate Editor in Chief
Special Issues                                                  Artists

Associate Editor in Chief                                  Associate Editor in Chief
Fine Arts                                                          Finance & Audit

Associate Editor in Chief                                  Associate Editor in Chief At 
Publishing/Digital Engineering                           Large.

Associate Editor in Chief                                  Associate Editor in Chief
Law/Legal                                                        Business & Marketing.

Associate Editor in Chief                                  Associate Editor in Chief
Ecosystem-2011                                               Security


AREA EDITORS                                                     
.¬ Computers                                                 /.¬ Environment

.¬ Internet                                                      /.¬ Health

.¬ Wireless                                                     /.¬ Opportunities 

.¬ Education                                                  /-¬ World Affairs

.¬ Justice                                                       /.¬ Entertainmen 

.¬ Fine Arts                                                    /.¬ Artists


Great help was obtained from the illuminating and inspiring work and accomplishments of scientists like:

1. Professor Peter F  Drucker, the great Master of Management and Structures:

2. Professor Dr Henry S  Mintzberg

3. Gazinto,(Italian), (Gazinto Charts)  

4. Dr Andy Grove -Intel (Stagger Charts)-

 5. Nobel Laureate Economists  -Dr Milton & Rose Friedman:
    ''Tyranny of the Status Quo''.

6.  And Patrick Lencioni the author of  ''The FIVE Dysfunctions of a Team''.  

It may be appropriate to round off the "First Part"  of   'Operations & Structures'

Sam Daily Times. BlogSpot. Com :  ""The Voice Of The Voiceless""  with a sterling quote from Samuel Brittan:

" We have come to our present pass through the pursuit of the noble objective of ''full employment''  by the wrong means."

We have seized on policies with temporary and fleeting effects, resulting from the slowness of human beings to adapt to changing opportunities and elevated them into fundamental truths of economics! "

This is a proposed   "Operational Structure". The Samurai and the world students should feel free to debate, delete and add.

Three more parts remain:

1. Column Editors.

2. Advisory Panel

3. Publications Board.

The Post will permanently reside also on !WOW!

With respectful dedication to the Students, Professors and Teachers of the world. See Ya all on !WOW!  -the World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless:

"' All Item Veto "'

Good night and God bless!

SAM Daily Times - The Voice of the Voiceless


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