
The Power of “Never”

“Never” is not an end. It is the marker of 

the next big opportunity.

What will be the next big business breakthrough?
I don’t have a crystal ball, but I do have a hint: look for the area of business in which conventional wisdom often says, “Never.”
It is the very thing that many say will “never” happen in which the greatest breakthroughs are possible.
Here are a few of my favorite “nevers.”
  • “Internet malls will never be profitable.”
  • “Traditional family businesses will never be able to embrace digital technology.”
  • “A Japanese company can never make English its official language.”
I heard all of those “nevers.” In each one I heard not an obstacle, but an opportunity. Each one told me that this was a place in which true change was possible.
Just remember this. “Never” is not an end. It is the marker of the next big opportunity.


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