!WOW! is in a unique position, because we have described as being at the confluence -crossroads, of the ecosystem -and no wonder.
But first let me get the ''Red Riding Hood Tale going''
The cost of trying to prevent bloggers from saying stupid or silly things, for example, would be high, whereas the cost of allowing anyone to publish anything is low.
As a result, filtering services like Technorati have been created to provide guide to what's worth reading; these work the way Google does, judging an individual blog post not according to the quality of its content but according to how often other blogs link to it.
If all Blogging had to be filtered in advance, the practice would never get off the ground; unfiltered, it would fall to earth. The middle way -publish and then filter- keeps the enterprise aloft.
This model is spreading outward from software and media. Meetup.com is a site designed to help users find people with shared interests and arrange meetings in their communities. The most active groups on Meetup right now consist of stay-at-home moms, known as SAHM.
These groups are particularly popular in largely suburban metro areas like Atlanta and Houston, where such moms, driving in isolation from one destination to other, are unlikely to meet by accident.
Meetup founder's are overeducated, undermarried urbanites. So how do they know that SAHM groups would be such a hit? They didn't. They simply let users propose potential Meetup groups The majority of proposed groups in fact fail, and most of the rest have moderate success only.
A few, though, like SAHM, are very popular - ''the same pattern found among open source projects''.
This presents a conundrum for business. Clearly, Firm's can't just start trying everything. Management overhead is real, and the costs of failure simply can't be laid at employees' feet.
As a result, open-system -like innovation must necessarily continue independent of any firm's ability to either direct or capture all of the value.
Some companies product lines or employee structures may not allow radical experimentation, but smart students and managers will look for ways to take advantage of this sort of broadly distributed effort.
In environments where organizations can reduce the cost of failure by farming out a problem to individuals -who may be induced to participate solely by the chance to learn new skills or to gain the respect of peers.
We can expect ''open systems'' to make increasing inroads into standard commercial efforts. !WOW! out to ponder?!!
With respectful dedication to the Students, Professors and Teachers of Estonia. See Ya all on the World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless:
''' Insight 40% - Foresight 60% '''
Good Night & God Bless!
SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless
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