
Headline, November21, 2013

''' KOREA'S -Kaleidosc​ope- KARMA '''

According to many  estimates, the number of  ''global medical tourists'' are expected to reach 58 million,by this year end. And this great nation, Korea,  is more than ready, as it combines medicine with modern medical technology:
''One-stop health services for optimal living''.

Korea's remarkable growth in the medical tourism industry within the last decade shows no signs of slowing down. In an age in which health matters are of growing concern, the country is going to considerable lengths to make visitors feel more at home and properly cared for in the hands of highly trained medical personnel.

Boosted by an increasing number of multilingual experts in modern and oriental medicine, state-of-the-art- facilities, affordable pricing and solid infrastructure, South Korea is prepped to become the leading medical tourism destination in Asia.

Recent government amendments to both tourism and medical laws are also making conditions increasingly favorable for foreigners.

Year 2010: Korea is well on its way to attracting 85,000 foreign patients, an increase of about 40% from 60,000 in 2009. Equally impressive is the staggering 340% increase in foreign visits to beauty and dermatology clinics in Seoul's affluent Gangnam area since 2009.

At this rate, the government forecasts 1 million foreign medical visitors by the year 2020. So, to keep up with the rising interest, the Korean government us been very instrumental in supporting the industry.

''Korea has one of the most specialized medical industries in the world, with highly advanced medical technologies. In addition, doctors must undergo rigorous    '' 11 year ''   training period before they are able to specialize.'' asserts the deputy of the Medical Tourism Center.

Doctors in Korea are revered for remarkable motor skills. This results in far shorter surgery and treatment times, which are just what patients who are on short-term visits need.

But what will keep Korea ahead of the industry is its infrastructure.

''' !!! Korea is a world leader in its IT infrastructure !!! '''   -its Internet speed and accessibility,  the country can seamlessly provide a wide range of  one-stop multilingual medical services online.

Doctors specializing in traditional oriental medicine undergo training for six years. Painless, nonsurgical treatments are used to alleviate aches, pains, and fatigue and effectively ease symptoms associated with arthritis and muscle pain, diseases plaguing many in today's modern world.

Boasting a  2,000  years old history. Korean traditional medicine targets the root of the illness, relying on the body's own strengths to overcome the symptoms and prevent the illness from recurring. Visits to homeopathic clinics include individual assessment according to body constitution.

Herbal treatment and medical acupuncture  -both noninvasive procedures-  are becoming increasingly popular with Japanese visitors. Korea has developed homegrown traditional remedies according to ancient beliefs of scholars of traditional medicine that are acknowledged today, even by those who practice modern medicine 

With respectful dedication to the Students, Professors and Teachers of Korea. See ya all on the World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless:

!!! ''' Trojan Horse ''' !!!

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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