
New work, visa rules for foreign students

International students will find it easier to work while studying under employment rule changes, while new visa rules mean bottom-ranked education institutes will miss out on learners.
The government on Thursday unveiled a package of initiatives to entice more international students, including allowing those studying full-time to work during all course breaks, instead of just over summer.
Doctoral and research masters students will be able to work full-time, and English-language students will be allowed to work part-time during their study.
Immigration New Zealand will trial an industry partnership initiative allowing universities and some polytechnics and private training providers to offer streamlined and prioritised visa processing.
The agency will no longer grant visas to students who want to enrol at "category 4" education providers - the lowest status granted by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA), when it is not confident of their educational performance or self-assessment capability.
There are only a handful of providers in that category, most of which are aimed at international students.
They include Auckland's Prime International College, WLCNZ Institute and The World Gospel Bible Charitable College, and Christchurch International College, which all received "not confident" ratings for both their performance and self-assessment at their latest reviews.
Immigration Minister Michael Woodhouse says while the government wants more students to come to New Zealand, the visa change means they will get the highest quality education possible.
They will also receive better pastoral care, with the government moving to introduce new legal protections for international students to crack down on rogue immigration agents and education providers.
International education is worth $2.6 billion to the economy.


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