
World's most expensive Iphone 5

No doubt, in today's world Iphone 5 is considered one of the best smartphone ever made. You'll find thousands and million of its users, who love every bit of this phone. But the question arises, what makes it the  expensive phone of the world?  Stuart Hughes, a designer of aftermarket electronics, spent 9 weeks crafting the Iphone 5 with a black diamond as home button. The phone has a solid-gold chassis, but the real cost comes from the most expensive home button in the world.

The phone's home button is made of a single, deep-cut, black diamond that weighs 26 carats. The diamond is said to be worth 14.5 million U.S. dollars. And the diamonds don't end there. There are 600 white, flawless diamonds located within the Apple logo on the back and on the edges.
Hughes is not worried that Iphone might soon become outdated after Apple launched a new smartphone. He is very much confident about the market and demand of Iphone, and he knows that customer still will want Iphones whether it be called the iPhone 5S or 6 to be adorned with diamonds and gold, too.


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